Sunday, November 21, 2010

Nostradamus And Man With A Blue Turban

snuff fossil leaves reveal that in Peru there was 2.5 million years ago

An expedition in Peru's northern jungle discovered a fossilized leaves compact mass of snuff, in an area that corresponds geologically to the Pleistocene, which reveal that plant existed in Peru last 2.5 million years.

The director of the Paleontological Museum Hönningen Meyer, Klaus Hönningen and paleobotany expert Luis Cabrera found the layer of the Pleistocene era on Monday in the Maranon Basin, the Amazon region, with fossilized leaves concretions snuff , according to a statement sent Efe.

"This finding made in the high jungle of northern Peru to determine, first, that the origin of the plant dates back to the Pleistocene and confirm that snuff is a native of northern Peru," said the source.

botanical experts had determined that the source of the snuff was placed in the Andean region of Peru and Ecuador, because the findings of the first crops that were made between 5,000 and 3,000 years before our era, the source added.

addition to being smoked, the snuff is snorted, chewed, ate, drank, was smeared on the body, was used in eye drops and enemas were used by settlers before colonization (1492) in South America, explained the museum.

was also used in rituals warriors before the fight, spread on fields before planting, offered to the gods, poured on women before intercourse and used as a narcotic.

The said museum has several collections of animal and plant fossils will be exhibited from next year in a theme park in the northern city of Chiclayo.

Among the most important parts of future fossil museum contains a 18-meter shark named Megalodon long, known as a cat and a saber-toothed whale brain, including others.

Source: EPA.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Something About You On Facebook

In Colombia, Huila, are fossils of prehistoric animals. Found

At a major event has become the town of Villavieja the discovery of two fossils. This is the remains of a land that lived glyptodonts Huila more than 10 million years and a giant tortoise that size could not be extracted in its entirety. Gladis

Vanegas, coordinator of the paleontology museum of this town north of Huila, he told Caracol Radio that the glyptodonts was an armadillo-like animal that reached four meters by three meters long. His remains were found by residents of the village Villavieja victory.

Ingeominas The commission, composed of geologists, paleontologists and fossil experts, the population is still investigating and removing the remains of a giant turtle that was found in the Desert Tatacoa.

recall that in the Desert Tatacoa more than 700 fossils have been found at different times and which today can be seen at the Museum of Palaeontology of Huila.

original title "In Villavieja, Huila, are fossils of prehistoric animals"


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ice age fossils in Colorado

Specialists show plus some of the fossils discovered in the tank Ziegler

The director of the Museum of Nature and Science Denver, Kirk Johnson, said he found at the foot of a hill in the Rocky Mountains northwest of Aspen.

Hundreds of animals of the Ice Age were discovered last October by archaeologists of Colorado at the foot of a hill in the Rocky Mountains northwest of Aspen.

The director of the Museum of Nature and Science Denver, Kirk Johnson, called for a press conference the discovery as "one of which is done only once in life" and listed all the specimens found.

"This not only completes our understanding of life in the Rocky Mountains during the Ice Age, but also transformed forever into something symbolic for the children of Colorado," said Johnson. Technical

digging to build a dam near the community of Snowmass Village, northwest of Aspen, located on 14th October a mastodon tusk, which caused them to perform other excavations unearthed hundreds of copies.

mastodons were found 10 Americans, four mammoth, two deer of the ice age, four bison and tiger salamander, among others that include iridescent insects such as beetles and snails and crustaceans.

amounts were also identified well-preserved wood, seeds, pine cones and leaves of silver fir, sub-alpine sedges, seeds and other plants.

The preservation of the fossils found in the reservoir was described by archaeologists as exceptional.

At least one of the 15 tusks recovered from the site is still blank after tens of thousands of years, said through a press release Thursday.

Scientists think it's a good chance of recovering well-preserved ancient DNA of some fossils.

Daniel Fisher, a specialist in mastodons at the University of Michigan and a consultant to the excavation Snowmass, said that there are many findings of the ice age to a height which is the site where specimens were found eight thousand 874 meters .

"It has been suggested that height environments may have hosted different communities, or have had a different story of change, but because the fossils are very rare, representing no one has known for sure," said Fisher.

"Now is our chance to see how they are," he said.

The age of the site is also of particular interest to scientists, the museum said.

initial radiocarbon data indicate that the remains on the site have more than 43 thousand 500 years, and geologists estimate that the site could be as old as about 130 thousand years.

Source: / Photo: AP.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Curtains Tied Back High Up

dinosaur embryos

in 1976, were found in the arid South African fossils of 10 dinosaur eggs to fry in it. Embryo fossils are the oldest known dinosaur.

Moreover, fossil embryos are the oldest terrestrial vertebrates found so far. A team of paleontologists has their little skeletons studied 30 years later.

embryos are 190 million years. They are the Jurassic period. And they are of a type of dinosaur called masospondilo.

were herbivores and were the forerunners of the majestic and gigantic sauropod (which are similar to the well-known dinos Diplodocus). The masospondilos were a little different to them.

were smaller to begin: adults reached 5 meters in height and had a long neck, but not as long as they are. And the head was very small and cramped. And the biggest difference was their front legs a little shorter than the rear, so walked on two legs or four, as they did.
New techniques, new tracks

Paleontologists have reviewed bones masospondilos embryos are from the University of Toronto, led by Robert Reisz. Reviewed these fossils with a technique that did not exist when they were discovered.

Roughly what they did was lift the shell carefully and look at the embryo or part of them that was hidden under it, because some were with half out. And once they discovered the studied.

fossilized embryos measured 20 centimeters and its level of ossification (ie, the amount of bone that had formed completely in his small skeleton) were to be born.

Small had all four limbs of equal length, indicating that they were quadrupeds at birth and then growing up, did the lower extremities and more faster than the front.

other hand, had a small pelvis indicating that the muscles involved in locomotion were not nearly developed and, therefore, did not walk with ease.

also had no teeth at birth and had a big head (very different than they were also adults who were, as stated above, thin and small).

All this information suggests the paleontologists masospondilo babies require plenty of care of the mother at birth, until the constitution itself acquired by adults.

Source: / Image: dinosaur embryo Recreation encontradoSVP

Saturday, November 6, 2010

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Smith's invisible hand, the contrademocracia and Kelsen's fundamental norm

This thinking stems from the comment made Dueñas Fernando Gaspar week my column "The Counter-tara" warning that Amartya Sen "Smith defends this interpretation (I made mine ) whereby he leaves everything to the market's invisible hand. " The inspirational credit (if any) of this simile belongs to him (Fernando).

"The creditable performance of the Allegedly Capitalist systems in the days when to real Achievements There Were drew on a combination of Institutions That Went Beyond much relying only on a profit-maximising market economy" . Amartya Sen With this statement I am trying to trace the path paved: capitalism we have today works because it is not largely because it is not only market or, even better, because it corrects market failures. So is democracy, for example, to observe in detail the measures that contemporary democracies remain so, we see that almost all are "contrademocráticas", ie, contradict or moderate the majority principle: constitutional limits on the power, fundamental rights, judicial activism, balance of powers, alternation of power, freedom of press, etc..

pseudocapitalismo Just as we have today, with its "visible hand" that contradicts it (the State), suggests our current "contrademocracia (Rosanvallon) or " Democracy has been turned against itself "; Smith's invisible hand suggests the fundamental norm of Kelsen on the mythical dimension that involves any mistake that is at the heart of a great theory. Let's see if I develop the comparison.

Smith says there is an "invisible hand" that regulates the market and it does work well (better known contemporaneously as "market forces"). But, in the words of Amartya Sen, Smith also said that although "capital markets and did a good job within its own sphere ... were not self-sufficient" . So if the market "well" but only "within its own sphere" and not "self" is simply because they do not work well alone, therefore, to be intervene, then the invisible hand, simply does not exist outside the elegant theory: practice is an aporia, as is the "fundamental rule" of Kelsen, which "supposedly" (and attention here to the genuine meaning of the phrase) is on the basis of any legal system and, I add, whether to "assume" is also just does not exist.

Stiglitz said it better than me: "That the reason the invisible hand is invisible Often Seems That It Is Often Not There" . The invisible hand is an unfortunate metaphor, a lie, there, and it does not moral detract Smith (who, as Sen shows, however its unique "invention" was concerned with the aberrations of unbridled capitalism), but it takes strength to his theory of "free" market.

For their part, content to strip the notion of market fair to say that "works well" despite making it conducive to injustice, is a dialectical trap axiologically unsustainable, and that is precisely what liar form radical neoliberal defenders : that the market per se is the panacea for "works well" (and is, in effect, for the handful of men who took over the world).

However, there is great thinkers who lack the intellectual executor (nor of public enemies) and, like Robert Walter did Kelsen (liters of ink to explain why the fundamental rule is not is a priori untenable metaphysical) seems to be doing Amartya Sen Smith (also did Chomsky ): that Smith has written that the market was self-sufficient all it does is to highlight the lack of invisible hand. Kelsen and for having said that justice is a concept that is beyond the positive law and enters the axiological field (politics) only revealed how the natural law is indispensable. In sum, the inherent injustice of the "invisible hand" of Smith not only descriptive but also axiological disputes.

"contradictory and complex? Yes, but Edgar Morin would say that the only way you can hit. Obviously I do not think that neither Kelsen nor Smith have been naive enough to believe the short story "invisible / fundamental." But then, at least historically, appears to be bright to be ambitious enough not to fear mistakes transecular thundered: nobody is exempt from wanting to go down in history, and is becoming the laughing stock (and time reference point) of the intelligentsia of the later generations.

Finally, it is argued that to bring down the system is required Kelsen external criticism. As I gather from the text of Sen's comment in the case of external criticism Smith (your system), he came from unknowingly (or knowingly?). No wonder: it seems to me that Kelsen did the same with the text "What is justice?" In respect of legal positivism. They look too.

end with a quote that I find relevant to evaluative round the idea that reported this point:

"If justice perished, Then it is no Longer Worthwhile for men to live upon the earth ', Kant.
