is not taking sides but not in method of making sausage dodging secular interpretation of any reality dichotomy necessarily multidimensional and complex.
A friend argues that "ideologically , El Tiempo newspaper is the right to dry in the country, El Espectador's center and is week magazine of "extreme center", as she said Enrique Santos Calderon. " Questions below my friend, Cesar Nova: "And the left? We need a left-wing journalism, non-sectarian "in the country. Something like this was the magazine Alternative in their day, did not it. "
- No. We need more journalism and less ideology - I reply.
"The ideas that have little bully" wrote Nicolás Gómez Dávila, himself tyrannized by their reactionary recalcitrant. But I think it still hit.
Great journalist, great social scientist and a great thinker who is generally not allowed enslaved by any ideology. Who, in spite of itself and its inevitable prejudices (in terms of its constant reworking, of course) prefer to remain faithful to the search for some "truth" (in terms of its constant reworking, too). In the social scientific field, Chomsky is a good example of how this aspiration in the high-level thinking is as essential as absolutely impossible. Those who claim as an "intellectual left" (often contradictory) are as lost as those who consider Jean- François Revel a "right." Pierre Bourdieu, the great French sociologist model intellectuel engagé during his last years, in a posthumously published text boldly acknowledged that although he tried to escape their upward social policies during his academic life, never fully achieved. But at least he tried.
Edgar Morin More recently, the defender of "complex thinking", published a book, perhaps inadvertently left was declared while the refuted: "My left "( Fran ç ois Bourin Editeur, 2010) is entitled to resurrect the trial where a left entirely subjective, that is, irreducible to" the "left.
Returning to journalism, which is also a social science (including the "opinion" at least worthy of its name), France Le Monde Diplomatique is illustrative of how an "intellectual ideologue "(Ignacio Ramonet was its director between 1990 and 2008) became a respectable means a tabloid undrinkable. In Colombia, El Tiempo rather than half "of right "is now a propaganda tool in the service of a clearly defined economic group. El Espectador I think the clearest example of critical and independent newspaper, with the limits posed by the two adjectives, of course.
is confused critical journalism "with" ideological journalism "(does the latter exist?). It is not taking sides but not in method of making sausage dodging secular interpretation of any reality dichotomy necessarily multidimensional and complex. To put it another way: it is not "play" any ideology but to forge their own. Not being a writer, columnist or reporter left or right, neoliberal or socialist, but managed to escape the prison that means any of those labels for thinking. To strive to think and to trouble all those labels that are descriptive rather than ideological weapons concepts with little explanatory power. In short, any scheme to distance himself from Manichean interpretation of reality.
The natural scenery of the ideologies are the parties and politics, not journalism or social sciences. Not that the journalist manages to be "neutral" or "objective." Epistemologically can not be because journalists are human beings with feelings and beliefs, and any object to be observed is determined by the person who observes. But it should aspire and fight for it to be credible, try located outside the traditional ideological spectrum, or it becomes a simple reproducing apparatus of political advertising.
In this magazine, for example, the columnist who writes best is also the current that is journalistically less lucid. Antonio Caballero, who dazzles us with its enviable syntax and his writings on art (the field by definition of subjectivity), has long maintained his membership and unreservedly left, which translates into an insurmountable bias that frustrates almost always the possibility of success in their analysis and prevents any changes or surprises in their thinking. Not exaggerating when he says he spent years writing the same column.
Alfredo Rangel He went with him, besides a lousy columnist, a gifted magician of sophistry: Do you imagine the eristic dialectic talent it takes to defend tooth and nail for years an eyesore as Uribe's political project?
similar situations (though never so extreme in degree) had previously María Isabel Rueda, Rafael Nieto, who formed the minority but Uribe columnists were as widely believed the magazine's effort to maintain "ideological balance ". I do not believe that balance in journalism. For me, the professional and serious journalist, beyond professing political ideologies or engaging in any leader must be intellectually uncompromising: to rise above them in the way argued, challenging every day all their political beliefs when rammed a new problem for the sake of the unattainable "Truth."
welcome the arrival in the Journal of León Valencia, a serious and thoughtful voice in his books, his studies at the Corporación Nuevo Arco Iris and previous columns Weather (are you I am refuting? No, nothing is so bad that it has something good. In Weather columnists are also very good). Someone "committed" and not to the armed left but with the pursuit of "truth" journalistic and scientific "truth", as it should be in his current dual role as journalist and social researcher.
In conclusion, I welcome the opportunity to express my own prejudices against the prejudices of others on the parameters of quality assessment of opinion journalism. It is worth remembering, again Gómez Dávila, "the prejudice of having no prejudice is the most common of all."
Doctoral Candidate (PhD) in Political Science from the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas
Twitter: florezjose