Thursday, June 3, 2010

Megan Fox Adams Apple Images

defeatism virus

defeatism is the tendency to fill a defeat pessimism. Its effects are disastrous and growing in both able to generalize an attitude of discouragement in the group that magnifies the scope a negative result, while frustrating the possibility of rectifying mistakes. In turn, defeatism can be powered either from inside and outside the group.

Al Green Party threatens the virus of defeatism after the first round result. From inside, some members are already talking about preparing to leave for the opposition and the 2011 local elections, in social networks is an air of disappointment and helplessness and columnists who write more from sadness to say that now reflect you need a miracle to win. From the outside, opportunistic statements The U.S. senators calling for the resignation to the second round of the movement, seek to demoralize. However, such a proposal is feasible as well as profoundly undemocratic, given that the town has not yet issued its final verdict, which will only be held on 20 June.

This general atmosphere of defeat - and triumphalism on the other side - be unfounded when the country is in front of a runoff election in which neither of the two finalists have any insured, any more than it was the eve of the first, and then just how amazing the result.

The first round is designed for candidates for president independently measured forces, their role is and why it necessarily raw dynamics of fragmentation. For its part, the second round seeks to give greater legitimacy to the winner, investing it with the support of a majority and there prevails a logic of unity: the moment of partnerships and green - like the continuity - need them to win. The Polo and extended a generous letter start a dialogue with the green program and Vargas Lleras, as a driver of much of the vote of opinion, has a unique opportunity to shake the reputation of Manzanillo and show the country that is in favor of democratic legality instead of being hands again by Uribe, who gave him back when he was independent and Antire. Regarding liberalism, would be a shame adhere to Santos after having pursued denounced the opposition and government corruption for years and so Pardo vacated and the community to vote for whoever above the interests of electoral barons.

For a seasoned observer can not be considered a failure more than three million votes green opinion, that is, made a campaign devoid of traditional machinery for a new party in the political landscape. The first round was won by the candidate as a loose continuity, and although it's not minimize this result, we must not turn into an insurmountable obstacle in the midst of an electoral environment so far characterized by volatility and indecision. There are still many voters to win - and may be lost - for both candidates, on Sunday for 54% of the country stated that it wants more of the same, voting for candidates other than the heir of Uribe, and 51% failed to do so. In addition, the second round is usually greater participation: in the last one was in the country, in 1998, increased the number of voters in more than 1,600,000. Then they are wrong who believe that the outcome of the first round is not may change substantially in the second.

Before blaming the polls for failing to predict the outcome, this should be done to ban the National Electoral Council held one week before the election. Polls are scanners that are constantly updated to be accurate. The repairs the suitability of samples for failing to include the rural population at present are nothing more than a hypothesis to be proven. Not that statistics - which is a science reliable - has failed but failed to deploy. Lifted the ban for the second round, the real debate should be forward looking is on its regulation.

is clear that the voting intentions of many voters changed in the seven days before the election and the two important questions to answer now is why this change occurred and if the means used to achieve this was legitimate and legal.

spoken of the "errors" Mockus in debates and statements, especially daring to announce something as basic as you would raise taxes on the wealthy to adjust one of the most regressive tax systems in the continent. And if the surge de Vargas and Petro thanks to its good performance also grabbed several votes, the abrupt change in trend is mainly attributed to other factors, most illegitimate and illegal, the front support of country's most powerful newspaper in its Sunday editorial Santos's candidacy; support the machinery of government blackmail by the beneficiaries of welfare programs as humble Families Action, the political undue involvement of the President (the eggs ), the illegal use of database SENA to proselytize on behalf of Santos; rumors against the Green candidate released in Social Security and the Federation of Municipalities ; harassment by police jurors election, vote-buying ; PIN votes ended secretly endorsed the campaign Santos, Christian votes mobilized by the unfounded fear of atheism Green candidate, the smear campaign against Mockus ahead with advice from one of the global gurus of electoral dirty tricks, the absence of primivotantes, the abstention remains high and largely led by the electoral infrastructure deficiencies that left many without a vote, and, of course, the partisan machinery once again proved to be equally well-oiled in both the urban and rural.

In short, to regain his electoral viability - until a week before the first round was a statistical fact - Greens should be eradicated defeatism in the ranks, mobilize part of the high percentage of abstainers, forging partnerships and empower the fundamental fact that the first round did not actually win the argument or nonexistent charisma of Santos, but fear the guerrillas, fraud ( mischief) and the shadow of Uribe.

happens sometimes in politics as in football where if you lose in the first half, there to show the grip in the second. The first half was won by a landslide and trap - blackmail and misleading to scare the electorate - the continuity. The second change can win if you set your lineup and leaves to pick up the scoring from the first minute. line/virus-del-derrotismo/139790.aspx


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