Tooth Fossil Found in Venezuela Scimitar belong to a new species never recorded, as certified by The Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, body international gathering more than 1,700 paleontologists from around the world.
The new species was named in honor Homotherium Venezuelence the country and its age is estimated at 2.5 million years, reported AVN.
Information was supplied by paleontologist Ascanio Rincon, chief of the Laboratory of Biology of Organisms Ecology Center at the Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research (IVIC) who also noted that this is the first record we have of this family of cats that changes in Latin America conception of the great biotic interchange of the Americas.
researcher recalled that South America for more than 65 million years ago was an island continent with a lot of aberrant mammals and carnivores such as this one did not exist, after the connection is formed Panama these predators begin to drop and large herbivores up in an exchange of faunas that occurred across the continent.
"El Tigre Tooth Scimitar has shorter tusks than Sabretooth. The fossils we found were an almost complete skull, badly treated, and several teeth were a total of 7 individuals who lived in the same period" , noted corner.
Tigre is believed Tooth Scimitar and Sabretooth came together to Latin America that was full of herbivores, an area where they could easily develop.
"As far as he knew the known record of this cat ended up in southern Texas in the United States, Central and South America had not been no fossils found so far, "said paleontologist.
The remains of the scimitar-toothed tiger were found two years ago in the Breal Orocual in Monagas state, asphalt deposit discovered by Petroleos de Venezuela in 2006, which represents the largest fossil site in Venezuela and Latin America, where they have found many remains of animals that have more than two thousand years old.
The new species was named in honor Homotherium Venezuelence the country and its age is estimated at 2.5 million years, reported AVN.
Information was supplied by paleontologist Ascanio Rincon, chief of the Laboratory of Biology of Organisms Ecology Center at the Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research (IVIC) who also noted that this is the first record we have of this family of cats that changes in Latin America conception of the great biotic interchange of the Americas.
researcher recalled that South America for more than 65 million years ago was an island continent with a lot of aberrant mammals and carnivores such as this one did not exist, after the connection is formed Panama these predators begin to drop and large herbivores up in an exchange of faunas that occurred across the continent.
"El Tigre Tooth Scimitar has shorter tusks than Sabretooth. The fossils we found were an almost complete skull, badly treated, and several teeth were a total of 7 individuals who lived in the same period" , noted corner.
Tigre is believed Tooth Scimitar and Sabretooth came together to Latin America that was full of herbivores, an area where they could easily develop.
"As far as he knew the known record of this cat ended up in southern Texas in the United States, Central and South America had not been no fossils found so far, "said paleontologist.
The remains of the scimitar-toothed tiger were found two years ago in the Breal Orocual in Monagas state, asphalt deposit discovered by Petroleos de Venezuela in 2006, which represents the largest fossil site in Venezuela and Latin America, where they have found many remains of animals that have more than two thousand years old.
Source: eluniversal.com
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