Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Leg Cramps During Tennis Play

elections: the blind Uribe

was pathetic to see the debate last night at Juan Manuel Santos unable to respond honestly to a question he asked Dario Arizmendi on what he thought of that "constantly criticize President decisions of judges when against officials or persons close to their government. " Santos simply reply, very nervous about the question that "if you think I'm going to put me to criticize President Uribe, waste time."

As Mockus reaction, we need to be more energetic and emphatic in saying this opportunistic attitude of Santos, which is just a symptom of uncritical unanimity air prevailing in the country for eight years and whose essential postulate could be stated as follows:

As Uribe has been "successful" in terms of safety (although this would have to be evaluated with a cool head because, despite the blows to the guerrillas and the rescue of the hostages, "false positives", the pikes DAS and the recent relocation of Colombia in the ranking 138 - Global Peace Index - the most violent countries in the world, if not refute at least qualify this statement), you can not criticize it falls into absurdities such as attack against the judiciary.

As another journalist said during the debate: "the current government has come to present to the judiciary as an enemy to beat. " And while this continues, the country will continue clearing the way every day to impunity comparable to Venezuela, where judges are sent to jail for having the courage to prosecute corrupt government members ( if Uribe out, and had imprisoned the judge ordered Maria Stella Jara by the Colonel Plazas). -face-part-ii # / 2010/scor / 06/100611_video_entrevista_chavez_bbc_pea.shtml


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