Hotel Playa Blanca, the most visited
The long journey to undertake national and international tourists by the Salar de Uyuni is a unique supplement: it is the Hotel Playa Blanca without three or five stars is the structure accessed every day. Don Teodoro
Colquhoun, born in the town of Colchani, is the author of the construction of this singular work of magnitude, besides being an attraction in the middle plain of the Great Salt Lake, is the most popular and appreciated by international tourists who come to place in convoys of vehicles 350 to 500 visitors daily.
The author of the work he was pleased to contribute to the development of national tourism. This place of rest that also serves for snacks or to spend the night, has all the amenities and is built from blocks of salt, wood and straw waterproof.
The visionary city was that this building was created in 1992 during the administration of then government of President Jaime Paz Zamora, who was entrusted the task of preparing a platform for the signing of an agreement for operation of the battery with a U.S. company. So this site little by little won crowd of tourists and since then it planned to build the house on the white beach.
Despite contrary opinions to the construction of this great house of rest, Teodoro Colquhoun had the luxury of opening the building of salt in 1995 and now occupies a privileged place in the country's tourism activity with a good financial move, so continuously receives recognition from the authorities and institutions. Faced with unprecedented growth
Tourism and the announcement of construction of roads and an international airport in Uyuni, which widen the influx of foreign visitors to the region, Colquhoun maintains hope for a development of the country and the region.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
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Uyuni Tourism generates income for residents of Uyuni
Tourism is of vital importance for the development of Uyuni and it is necessary to intensify work with the support of national and departmental authorities. "This region grows rapidly by the presence of foreign visitors, "the leader of the neighboring Oil Board, Bartholomew Ayala.
Due to the remarkable economic movement generated by tourism in the region requires its citizens to organize themselves better, that is required for early development and implementation of road works to provide better service to foreign visitors.
Uyuni In the center are in operation approximately 65 travel agencies which, according to Ayala, should upgrade, expand facilities and improve treatment mainly to tourists.
Currently, the town of Uyuni, located south Bolivia's Potosi department, employs approximately 35,000 people in four provinces, the revenue of the region depend on mining and the influx of tourism. Subsequently, this region could grow by the great wealth that remains in the Great Salt Tunupa. DEVELOPMENT
The concentration of large amount of lithium in the Salar de Uyuni is a hope of development of the region and country, as their processing will allow for significant income.
Tourism is of vital importance for the development of Uyuni and it is necessary to intensify work with the support of national and departmental authorities. "This region grows rapidly by the presence of foreign visitors, "the leader of the neighboring Oil Board, Bartholomew Ayala.
Due to the remarkable economic movement generated by tourism in the region requires its citizens to organize themselves better, that is required for early development and implementation of road works to provide better service to foreign visitors.
Uyuni In the center are in operation approximately 65 travel agencies which, according to Ayala, should upgrade, expand facilities and improve treatment mainly to tourists.
Currently, the town of Uyuni, located south Bolivia's Potosi department, employs approximately 35,000 people in four provinces, the revenue of the region depend on mining and the influx of tourism. Subsequently, this region could grow by the great wealth that remains in the Great Salt Tunupa. DEVELOPMENT
The concentration of large amount of lithium in the Salar de Uyuni is a hope of development of the region and country, as their processing will allow for significant income.
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Tourism Fair launches bid for Easter
Travel: Agencies present new destinations and the opportunity to spend three holidays differently than usual.
A month before Easter, the tourist destinations await visitors. International Tourism Fair (FIT-Bolivia) provides the public options in each department.
The fifteenth version of the FIT-Bolivia, the biggest event of the item that takes place in the Circle of Officers of the Army, brings 12 foreign delegations, tourism companies and authorities of the nine departments of Bolivia and about 50 municipalities determined to show the benefits of their offerings.
According to Martin Cariaga, president of the Fair, with more than 390 companies and institutions registered, among which is travel agencies, hotels, buses and guides. Involved 800 delegates and "we hope to welcome more than 10,000 visitors" until tonight, when completed the Fair, whose entrance is free.
travel options. Places like Copacabana Coroico and are destinations where people go by tradition and faith. However, for this year, one of the offers referred to an exploration of the caves of Toro Toro, Potosi Department, to which it currently opens a path from the Imperial City.
Another possibility is to go to Sucre to find the footprints of dinosaurs in the Cretaceous of Cal Park Ork'oy Catholic churches which are usually visited in the White City.
The spa Chor, in Roboré, Santa Cruz, is one of the destinations offered.
also offered a tour of the reconstructed colonial churches in the highlands of La Paz and Oruro. Cooperativa Minera
Heart of Jesus offers a tour of the places that operated in the department of Oruro. The organizers offer a package for only 25 bolivianos to enter inside the mine. They say that visitors come to the level at which flooding begins in complete darkness and, for that will provide helmets and boots. Although
Coroico is a fairly common destiny, the offer is no longer limited to touch or walk through waterfalls, and now poses a "Coffee tour" by the community of chaplaincy.
The Chaco expected visitors to show their main towns and cities in between, as Yacuiba, El Palmar, Sanandita, Villamontes or Camiri, and touring the Pilcomayo River in a boat before enjoying a plate of fish on its shores.
To highlight
Unlike past years, the fair generated great expectations and public assistance increased significantly.
The business conference was installed in office for the panelists to share their products and services.
Travel: Agencies present new destinations and the opportunity to spend three holidays differently than usual.
A month before Easter, the tourist destinations await visitors. International Tourism Fair (FIT-Bolivia) provides the public options in each department.
The fifteenth version of the FIT-Bolivia, the biggest event of the item that takes place in the Circle of Officers of the Army, brings 12 foreign delegations, tourism companies and authorities of the nine departments of Bolivia and about 50 municipalities determined to show the benefits of their offerings.
According to Martin Cariaga, president of the Fair, with more than 390 companies and institutions registered, among which is travel agencies, hotels, buses and guides. Involved 800 delegates and "we hope to welcome more than 10,000 visitors" until tonight, when completed the Fair, whose entrance is free.
travel options. Places like Copacabana Coroico and are destinations where people go by tradition and faith. However, for this year, one of the offers referred to an exploration of the caves of Toro Toro, Potosi Department, to which it currently opens a path from the Imperial City.
Another possibility is to go to Sucre to find the footprints of dinosaurs in the Cretaceous of Cal Park Ork'oy Catholic churches which are usually visited in the White City.
The spa Chor, in Roboré, Santa Cruz, is one of the destinations offered.
also offered a tour of the reconstructed colonial churches in the highlands of La Paz and Oruro. Cooperativa Minera
Heart of Jesus offers a tour of the places that operated in the department of Oruro. The organizers offer a package for only 25 bolivianos to enter inside the mine. They say that visitors come to the level at which flooding begins in complete darkness and, for that will provide helmets and boots. Although
Coroico is a fairly common destiny, the offer is no longer limited to touch or walk through waterfalls, and now poses a "Coffee tour" by the community of chaplaincy.
The Chaco expected visitors to show their main towns and cities in between, as Yacuiba, El Palmar, Sanandita, Villamontes or Camiri, and touring the Pilcomayo River in a boat before enjoying a plate of fish on its shores.
To highlight
Unlike past years, the fair generated great expectations and public assistance increased significantly.
The business conference was installed in office for the panelists to share their products and services.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
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THE COUNTRY FIT is present in the magazine of the Carnival of Oruro
The newspaper THE HOMELAND, sub-Dean of the National Press through the magazine dedicated to the Carnival of Oruro participates in the International Tourism Fair (FIT) conducted in the city of La Paz, in the Circle of Army officers in the area located Calacoto.
The magazine contains information on topics related to the input of Pilgrimage in devotion to Our Lady of the Tunnel that was declared by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco) as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage Intangible Heritage of Humanity.
Thus the morning of Oruro is part of this activity in the participating institutions and organizations related to tourism in Oruro and eight departments the country. Oruro
also has in its exhibition booth with tour guides affiliated with the Girl Guides Association to not only publicize the Carnival, also tourist attractions of our region with pictures, posters, posters, brochures and others, according to Lily Soliz Carpio, president of the Bolivian Federation of Tourist Guides.
FIT was inaugurated yesterday in the presence of representatives of the nine departments of Bolivia, as well as other countries like Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Dominican Republic.
The tour guides of Oruro had everything to do with the Carnival of Oruro, with exposure diablada costumes, dark and tuff to explain the magnificence of the Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. While
presents photographs of tourist sites in Oruro found in the city and the provinces provided by the regional government Department, albeit in small amounts to an international activity such as that performed at the seat of government.
regretted that could not accept the collaboration of the Autonomous Municipality of Oruro (GAMO) due to the short time taken to prepare the material despite having been a commitment of municipal authorities to this request.
continues today FIT and a delegation from the Artistic Diablada Urus, a precedent that this dance is choreographed Oruro with a demonstration intended impact to visitors and tourists.
Unit staff of Culture and Tourism, under the Government, are participants in the FIT as responsible for the Control of Standards and Tourist Services, Sarah Morales Soto, in charge of Tourism and Cultural Development, Market and Technical Judith Tourism Program, Daniel Baltazar Coria Villa.
Meanwhile makers through exposed videos on giant screens installed at the fair, publicize news The Carnival of Oruro.
The newspaper THE HOMELAND, sub-Dean of the National Press through the magazine dedicated to the Carnival of Oruro participates in the International Tourism Fair (FIT) conducted in the city of La Paz, in the Circle of Army officers in the area located Calacoto.
The magazine contains information on topics related to the input of Pilgrimage in devotion to Our Lady of the Tunnel that was declared by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco) as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage Intangible Heritage of Humanity.
Thus the morning of Oruro is part of this activity in the participating institutions and organizations related to tourism in Oruro and eight departments the country. Oruro
also has in its exhibition booth with tour guides affiliated with the Girl Guides Association to not only publicize the Carnival, also tourist attractions of our region with pictures, posters, posters, brochures and others, according to Lily Soliz Carpio, president of the Bolivian Federation of Tourist Guides.
FIT was inaugurated yesterday in the presence of representatives of the nine departments of Bolivia, as well as other countries like Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Dominican Republic.
The tour guides of Oruro had everything to do with the Carnival of Oruro, with exposure diablada costumes, dark and tuff to explain the magnificence of the Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. While
presents photographs of tourist sites in Oruro found in the city and the provinces provided by the regional government Department, albeit in small amounts to an international activity such as that performed at the seat of government.
regretted that could not accept the collaboration of the Autonomous Municipality of Oruro (GAMO) due to the short time taken to prepare the material despite having been a commitment of municipal authorities to this request.
continues today FIT and a delegation from the Artistic Diablada Urus, a precedent that this dance is choreographed Oruro with a demonstration intended impact to visitors and tourists.
Unit staff of Culture and Tourism, under the Government, are participants in the FIT as responsible for the Control of Standards and Tourist Services, Sarah Morales Soto, in charge of Tourism and Cultural Development, Market and Technical Judith Tourism Program, Daniel Baltazar Coria Villa.
Meanwhile makers through exposed videos on giant screens installed at the fair, publicize news The Carnival of Oruro.
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Herbivore found a rare primitive sabretooth
260 million years ago, mammals and dinosaurs had not yet signed in terrestrial ecosystems. The Pangea macrocontinente beings scurrying now fall under exotic names taxonomic categories and which only obvious common feature: four legs. Those primitive tetrapods are the object of study of Salvadoran paleontologist Juan Carlos Cisneros, head of the finding of the last sample of that paleofauna whose character is said in the name of the new species: Tiarajudens eccentricus.
The Tiarajudens, the size of a large dog, lived at the end of the Paleozoic before the Permian extinction, the largest that has ravaged the planet and that would be the festival that adorned the Mesozoic dinosaurs. Cisneros writes in Science, at that time had already developed a large pantry herbivores that fed a small cast of predators.
Among the former had the Tiarajudens whose classification places him as a synapsids (something that is not a reptile) therapsids group (synapsids no mammals), and in particular, as a anomodonto, a lineage of herbivores fibrous herbs chewed land of Gondwana, the southern base of Pangea that later would become independent as a supercontinent. The ground she walked on Tiarajudens now part of Brazil. There Cisneros, from the Federal University of Piauí, tracks reservoirs of the Permian and Triassic in search of fossils. Aberrant
But even for his clan, the Tiarajudens is the weirdo. Writes in a commentary to the study's expert Humboldtde University Berlin Jörg Fröbisch within the anomodontos, which showed a "progressive development of mammalian traits," the Tiarajudens is "absurd" for its "unique and specialized dentition." Although some of his relatives shared vegetarian dental occlusion (the ability to fit the pieces of a jaw with the other to grind fiber), the palate Tiarajudens was studded with teeth, something unique in your neighborhood. It is the icing
: 12 cm two canines protruding from his mouth. Cisneros explains that this is not the style tusks of elephants and certain relatives of Tiarajudens, with continued growth and unglazed circular section, but true saber-toothed laterally compressed and glazed. What would such weapons a vegetarian? "The large canines of saber are unexpected in a herbivore," writes Cisneros. Modeled current deer, the scientist speculates that maybe used "to manipulate the food before processing, deter predators or display and combat within their species. "

The Tiarajudens, the size of a large dog, lived at the end of the Paleozoic before the Permian extinction, the largest that has ravaged the planet and that would be the festival that adorned the Mesozoic dinosaurs. Cisneros writes in Science, at that time had already developed a large pantry herbivores that fed a small cast of predators.
Among the former had the Tiarajudens whose classification places him as a synapsids (something that is not a reptile) therapsids group (synapsids no mammals), and in particular, as a anomodonto, a lineage of herbivores fibrous herbs chewed land of Gondwana, the southern base of Pangea that later would become independent as a supercontinent. The ground she walked on Tiarajudens now part of Brazil. There Cisneros, from the Federal University of Piauí, tracks reservoirs of the Permian and Triassic in search of fossils. Aberrant
But even for his clan, the Tiarajudens is the weirdo. Writes in a commentary to the study's expert Humboldtde University Berlin Jörg Fröbisch within the anomodontos, which showed a "progressive development of mammalian traits," the Tiarajudens is "absurd" for its "unique and specialized dentition." Although some of his relatives shared vegetarian dental occlusion (the ability to fit the pieces of a jaw with the other to grind fiber), the palate Tiarajudens was studded with teeth, something unique in your neighborhood. It is the icing
: 12 cm two canines protruding from his mouth. Cisneros explains that this is not the style tusks of elephants and certain relatives of Tiarajudens, with continued growth and unglazed circular section, but true saber-toothed laterally compressed and glazed. What would such weapons a vegetarian? "The large canines of saber are unexpected in a herbivore," writes Cisneros. Modeled current deer, the scientist speculates that maybe used "to manipulate the food before processing, deter predators or display and combat within their species. "
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discovered "missing link" of the dinosaurs in Dinosaur Neuquen Argentina

scientists Egidio Feruglio Museum unveiled a new type of dinosaur that was discovered in central province north of Chubut - the Taquetransis Leonerasaurus. Geologists at the museum, made the discovery at a site with fossils from the Jurassic period (206-144 million years ago).
Paleontologists believe that these fossils belong to a "link lost "dinosaur that evolved long necks and herbivores like the Diplodocus, Brachiosaurus and Brontomerus, the scientists report in the journal PLoS ONE. These dinosaurs known as sauropods, and were the largest known creatures of the earth to ever walk the earth 170 million years ago. The
Leonerasaurus three meters, and lived about 10 million years before the era of sauropods. You can be the connection between small prosauropods that existed during the Triassic period (248-205 million years ago) and his descendants larger sauropods.
"The new dinosaur is" a very primitive species ... that helps us understand the evolutionary tree of the giants who came later, "said Diego Pol of the Paleontological Museum Egidio Feruglio.
The Leonerasaurus was discovered in the Sierra de Taquetren in 2005 and took two years to excavate and remove the remains. The scientific study was conducted in the laboratory preparation of the MEF and the results of their findings were published between 2009 and 2010.
More information Paleontologists believe that these fossils belong to a "link lost "dinosaur that evolved long necks and herbivores like the Diplodocus, Brachiosaurus and Brontomerus, the scientists report in the journal PLoS ONE. These dinosaurs known as sauropods, and were the largest known creatures of the earth to ever walk the earth 170 million years ago. The
Leonerasaurus three meters, and lived about 10 million years before the era of sauropods. You can be the connection between small prosauropods that existed during the Triassic period (248-205 million years ago) and his descendants larger sauropods.
"The new dinosaur is" a very primitive species ... that helps us understand the evolutionary tree of the giants who came later, "said Diego Pol of the Paleontological Museum Egidio Feruglio.
The Leonerasaurus was discovered in the Sierra de Taquetren in 2005 and took two years to excavate and remove the remains. The scientific study was conducted in the laboratory preparation of the MEF and the results of their findings were published between 2009 and 2010.
More information
Friday, March 25, 2011
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International Tourism Fair kicks off with 220 Archaeoastronomy
With 220 exhibitors begins tonight the International Tourism Fair in the halls of the Circle of Officers of the Army, according to information from the Administrative Office of Economic Development through the Directorate of Tourism, authorities of the event sponsors runs through 27 of this month.
Maria Teresa Chavez, Director of Tourism of the Mayor explained that the purpose of this event is "to promote and expose the national tourism." PARTICIPANTS
According munícipe already confirmed participation in the Fair nine governorates of the country showing the public the various tourist attractions that each department.
also reported that Chávez has managed to register more than one thousand delegates from international and national as well as the presence of eight mayors of capital cities and 32 municipalities that have tourism as is the case of Uyuni. DELEGATIONS
This also quoted the delegations of tourism officials and private companies in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico and Paraguay, Panama and Costa Rica.
The Department of Tourism confirmed the presence of approximately 220 companies that participate as exhibitors. EVENT
The event will be held between 25 and 27 March at the Army Officers' Circle admission will be free. Parallel to the fair held business conferences, tourism forum, cultural activities of different departments of Bolivia and abroad.
addition, the fair will present a food court called "Restaurant Bolivia" to promote the country's varied cuisine. BACKGROUND
The XV International Tourism Fair since 1996 is the only case of promotion and exhibition of national tourism, which over the years has established itself both nationally and internationally.
This is the second time that the International Tourism Fair takes place in the city of La Paz, the first time she visited the city was in 2005. And 2013 is expected to return to La Paz to host this event. DATA
According to the Department of Tourism, La Paz accounts for 48% of international tourists coming to Bolivia, becoming the main gateway for tourists entering the country.
Achieving Peace in the XV International Tourism Fair will have a positive economic impact for both exhibitors and for the different hotel chains and tour operators, who may offer the audience and other participants a range of services supported.
product is expected that the wheels of business is given an important movement of exchange of services between the various participating companies.
In this show, the municipality will have an important opportunity to promote all tourism potentials with which account.
With 220 exhibitors begins tonight the International Tourism Fair in the halls of the Circle of Officers of the Army, according to information from the Administrative Office of Economic Development through the Directorate of Tourism, authorities of the event sponsors runs through 27 of this month.
Maria Teresa Chavez, Director of Tourism of the Mayor explained that the purpose of this event is "to promote and expose the national tourism." PARTICIPANTS
According munícipe already confirmed participation in the Fair nine governorates of the country showing the public the various tourist attractions that each department.
also reported that Chávez has managed to register more than one thousand delegates from international and national as well as the presence of eight mayors of capital cities and 32 municipalities that have tourism as is the case of Uyuni. DELEGATIONS
This also quoted the delegations of tourism officials and private companies in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico and Paraguay, Panama and Costa Rica.
The Department of Tourism confirmed the presence of approximately 220 companies that participate as exhibitors. EVENT
The event will be held between 25 and 27 March at the Army Officers' Circle admission will be free. Parallel to the fair held business conferences, tourism forum, cultural activities of different departments of Bolivia and abroad.
addition, the fair will present a food court called "Restaurant Bolivia" to promote the country's varied cuisine. BACKGROUND
The XV International Tourism Fair since 1996 is the only case of promotion and exhibition of national tourism, which over the years has established itself both nationally and internationally.
This is the second time that the International Tourism Fair takes place in the city of La Paz, the first time she visited the city was in 2005. And 2013 is expected to return to La Paz to host this event. DATA
According to the Department of Tourism, La Paz accounts for 48% of international tourists coming to Bolivia, becoming the main gateway for tourists entering the country.
Achieving Peace in the XV International Tourism Fair will have a positive economic impact for both exhibitors and for the different hotel chains and tour operators, who may offer the audience and other participants a range of services supported.
product is expected that the wheels of business is given an important movement of exchange of services between the various participating companies.
In this show, the municipality will have an important opportunity to promote all tourism potentials with which account.
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exhibitors Expert warns of Puerta del Sol opening
archaeoastronomy expert, Manuel De la Torre said that "separation with the two blocks that make up the Puerta del Sol, ever since they were attached, had been so separated, with the risk of its collapse and destruction as a medium or heavy earthquake Persistent wet its outline could make them collapse with the result of breakage into several pieces that would prevent its reconstruction. " The aforementioned professional
along with researcher Emilio Molina (expert in mathematics Tetraléctica) and the Military University, last year in June, the state found it was in the Puerta del Sol and other archaeological sites of Tiwanaku. LOST HERITAGE
"As Heritage (Tiwanaku) should take special care and maintenance, the importance of its unique archaeological pieces like the famous Puerta del Sol is compared only with the part calendrical of the Maya, with these two monumental pieces unique for their kind of carved and content posted in its different iconography, which have allowed us to recognize and investigate the great knowledge reach these pre-Hispanic cultures, "says De la Torre in an article on the topic .
further contends that the researchers "very alarmed we have known through various publications in the Journal, that have been circulating in recent times, as there is a major oversight on the part of institutions and individuals responsible for the care of this national heritage of Humanity by UNESCO granted. " STUDIES
"For several years it raised the urgency of removing the famous Puerta del Sol from its current position is not the original icon as a calendrical astronomical and moved to the museum lithic, where a special room for this monumental piece, which will be preserved and cared for, there are several studies that demonstrate the great damage that has been hit by pollution, exposure to climatic factors and biological gradually deteriorating and making clear his iconography and gone, there are places that are no longer seen rich iconography that has allowed many researchers to find details of the great knowledge he had that culture in both math and astronomy, which had allowed part of the worldview of native people who lived millennia ago in this part of the Andes, "says the professional.
"They are selfish and stubborn aspects of some officials and residents of that area in recent years to oppose the transfer, without a real and valid explanation of why it is not allowed to transfer to the lytic museum is located about hundred meters the current site, several researchers have demonstrated through their studies, if care is not preserved and the Puerta del Sol, in less than 5 years there will be nothing of the iconography of this beautiful and unique archaeological piece, "he said. MINISTRY OF CULTURE
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Culture is headed by Elizabeth Salguero, announced a new archeological site inspection for this weekend, as part of the requested support to UNESCO for the preservation of relics.
Last week asked the international body to fight specific chemical lichens, mosses and other items seized from sights such as Puerta del Sol
Support will also in the restoration of the pieces found in museums Lithic and Archaeology.
finally announced that "as long as the tourist site will be restored closed. "
archaeoastronomy expert, Manuel De la Torre said that "separation with the two blocks that make up the Puerta del Sol, ever since they were attached, had been so separated, with the risk of its collapse and destruction as a medium or heavy earthquake Persistent wet its outline could make them collapse with the result of breakage into several pieces that would prevent its reconstruction. " The aforementioned professional
along with researcher Emilio Molina (expert in mathematics Tetraléctica) and the Military University, last year in June, the state found it was in the Puerta del Sol and other archaeological sites of Tiwanaku. LOST HERITAGE
"As Heritage (Tiwanaku) should take special care and maintenance, the importance of its unique archaeological pieces like the famous Puerta del Sol is compared only with the part calendrical of the Maya, with these two monumental pieces unique for their kind of carved and content posted in its different iconography, which have allowed us to recognize and investigate the great knowledge reach these pre-Hispanic cultures, "says De la Torre in an article on the topic .
further contends that the researchers "very alarmed we have known through various publications in the Journal, that have been circulating in recent times, as there is a major oversight on the part of institutions and individuals responsible for the care of this national heritage of Humanity by UNESCO granted. " STUDIES
"For several years it raised the urgency of removing the famous Puerta del Sol from its current position is not the original icon as a calendrical astronomical and moved to the museum lithic, where a special room for this monumental piece, which will be preserved and cared for, there are several studies that demonstrate the great damage that has been hit by pollution, exposure to climatic factors and biological gradually deteriorating and making clear his iconography and gone, there are places that are no longer seen rich iconography that has allowed many researchers to find details of the great knowledge he had that culture in both math and astronomy, which had allowed part of the worldview of native people who lived millennia ago in this part of the Andes, "says the professional.
"They are selfish and stubborn aspects of some officials and residents of that area in recent years to oppose the transfer, without a real and valid explanation of why it is not allowed to transfer to the lytic museum is located about hundred meters the current site, several researchers have demonstrated through their studies, if care is not preserved and the Puerta del Sol, in less than 5 years there will be nothing of the iconography of this beautiful and unique archaeological piece, "he said. MINISTRY OF CULTURE
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Culture is headed by Elizabeth Salguero, announced a new archeological site inspection for this weekend, as part of the requested support to UNESCO for the preservation of relics.
Last week asked the international body to fight specific chemical lichens, mosses and other items seized from sights such as Puerta del Sol
Support will also in the restoration of the pieces found in museums Lithic and Archaeology.
finally announced that "as long as the tourist site will be restored closed. "
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Catholic Church manages the restoration of the temple of Paria
The Catholic Church in coordination with local authorities and the municipality of Soracachi manages the restoration of the temple of Paria, according to the Bishop of the Diocese of Oruro, Monsignor Christopher Bialasik.
For years, pastors appointed to the church of Paria, took steps to restore with the population and authorities to protect and safeguard the infrastructure of the first temple of the plateau, but had no reply to the request made.
"We really feel sorry, because the temple is a monument and we can not perform the repairs without permission and without help because the cost is high for the repair or restoration of the temple, but the Government and the Ministry of Culture should be concerned to safeguard the temples and historical facts that show the richness of our people, "he said.
past years with the residents and authorities stressing the need to restore the temple to prevent the collapse, but there is no response from any of the bodies to be turned by this problem, since the roof is about to collapse.
"Under these circumstances and can not celebrate the Eucharist because of the danger it represents, for this reason I ask the cooperation of everyone to help us in this complaint as a heritage of Oruro and the country to achieve the restoration of the temple is a tourist spot, "he said.
The Catholic Church in coordination with local authorities and the municipality of Soracachi manages the restoration of the temple of Paria, according to the Bishop of the Diocese of Oruro, Monsignor Christopher Bialasik.
For years, pastors appointed to the church of Paria, took steps to restore with the population and authorities to protect and safeguard the infrastructure of the first temple of the plateau, but had no reply to the request made.
"We really feel sorry, because the temple is a monument and we can not perform the repairs without permission and without help because the cost is high for the repair or restoration of the temple, but the Government and the Ministry of Culture should be concerned to safeguard the temples and historical facts that show the richness of our people, "he said.
past years with the residents and authorities stressing the need to restore the temple to prevent the collapse, but there is no response from any of the bodies to be turned by this problem, since the roof is about to collapse.
"Under these circumstances and can not celebrate the Eucharist because of the danger it represents, for this reason I ask the cooperation of everyone to help us in this complaint as a heritage of Oruro and the country to achieve the restoration of the temple is a tourist spot, "he said.
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Tiwanaku begins in heritage conservation
The commission
An emergency plan provides for the registration and restore ancient pieces from the weekend. In La Paz will reopen the National Museum of Archaeology.
heritage objects carved in stone and ceramic collections of both museums of Tiwanaku are listed, from 26 March for later restoration as part of a plan that will prevent further deterioration of cultural heritage we left the Tiwanaku civilization.
The ad is for the Minister of Culture, Elizabeth Salguero, who said that the formation of an interagency committee will meet with the management of heritage conservation. "The two museums on the Lithic and Ceramic, which possess unique archaeological collections, they also need spare parts for its poor construction. The existence of moisture in the soil and degree of salinity can affect the artifacts, "said Salgado.
The Minister announced that is expected to start Saturday hundreds register of heritage objects in museums that necessarily must be refurbished.
The commission
institutions include the inhabitants of Tiwanaku and other bodies involved in heritage conservation, heritage of peoples.
"The interagency committee should also suggest in consensus decisions that must be assumed to start collection of ancient pieces while concluding with the renovation of the two repositories," said cultural authority.
also participate in the cataloging and restoration experts Bolivian archaeologists.
Salguero believes that the management of heritage conservation in Tiwanaku is fundamentally a comprehensive plan which includes the other monuments.
"is not only preserve the parts in the repositories, but also of the monuments found in the open and in need of treatment for lichen they have," he said.
Tiwanaku archaeological remains, which are built in the ceremonial area, were named Material Heritage Site by Unesco in 2000.
On announced the relocation of the Puerta del Sol, the stone monuments with 20 tons in weight and more representative of the Tiwanaku, Salguero said needed further study because it is not moving or not, but understanding that groundwater the place have moisture, making it necessary to use an insulating material in the Lithic Museum to avoid the involvement of antiquities.
announced that it has the participation of experts from the Cultural Foundation of Central Bank of Bolivia (FCBCB), and it is possible to prevent moisture from deteriorating the property, will have to move objects to Tiwanaku repositories such as La Paz the Museum of Ethnography and Folklore and the National Museum of Archaeology (Munarq) to be reopened to the public, after an intervention that went on for over a year.
Archeology Museum reopened La Paz
After intervention began in February 2010, the National Museum of Archaeology (Munarq) will reopen to the public, because it is one of the main attractions of the hollow La Paz.
The audit and the process against some former officials of the former National Archaeology Unit (Unar) should not be an impediment to the repository has interesting collection of stone and ceramic can be reopened to the public, said Minister of Culture, Elizabeth Salguero.
Among the priorities for conservation of cultural heritage in the management of outstanding cultural instance of Tiwanaku ceremonial site, Cerro Rico de Potosi and Nan Kapaq prehispanic roads that integrates several countries in the region.
Michigan County Appraisal District
Confectionery and chocolate Training TRAINING
Application Requirements:
- Women unoccupied.
- 18 to 50 years of age.
- Social Protection sheet with a maximum of 11,734 points.
- Registered in Omil.
- Credential Omil.
- Level of education according to the course.
- Health compatible with the office.
- are not participating in another program.
- Not have participated in programs Prodemu 2010.
Application Requirements:
- Women unoccupied.
- 18 to 50 years of age.
- Social Protection sheet with a maximum of 11,734 points.
- Registered in Omil.
- Credential Omil.
- Level of education according to the course.
- Health compatible with the office.
- are not participating in another program.
- Not have participated in programs Prodemu 2010.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Last Posting Day For Australia
They 3D images of the Capital to the International Tourism Fair "report
Sucre attend the XV International Travel Fair (ITF), with a new stand which will highlight the projection of a 3D video that will focus on the footprints of dinosaurs, cultural heritage and architectural richness of the Capital.
The FIT Bolivia is the largest tourist event in the country and will be held in La Paz from 25 to 27 March, with the presence of 12 international delegations, tourism companies and authorities of the nine departments.
"A video with 3D animation, so that visitors can fully imagine the sights of Sucre," said the municipal tourism director, Analy Fuentes.
audiovisual material highlights the footprints of dinosaurs, cultural and architectural heritage of Sucre in minutes. "It was a symbiosis of tourism resources we have is a proposal very interesting building elements such as innovation, technology and photography, "he said Fuentes.
Visitors can also take pictures at the booth of Sucre, to be banners of the city landscape.
Sucre attend the XV International Travel Fair (ITF), with a new stand which will highlight the projection of a 3D video that will focus on the footprints of dinosaurs, cultural heritage and architectural richness of the Capital.
The FIT Bolivia is the largest tourist event in the country and will be held in La Paz from 25 to 27 March, with the presence of 12 international delegations, tourism companies and authorities of the nine departments.
"A video with 3D animation, so that visitors can fully imagine the sights of Sucre," said the municipal tourism director, Analy Fuentes.
audiovisual material highlights the footprints of dinosaurs, cultural and architectural heritage of Sucre in minutes. "It was a symbiosis of tourism resources we have is a proposal very interesting building elements such as innovation, technology and photography, "he said Fuentes.
Visitors can also take pictures at the booth of Sucre, to be banners of the city landscape.
Red Flower British Pm
Tarija Governor Hoteliers
In a first report for the first three months of work, the head of the Tourism Development Division of the Interior, Marco Antonio Baldivieso, reported that since the possession of Lino Condori as Acting Governor began work in five areas that enhance and managed to do with the Promotion, Legal, quality services and infrastructure, education and Finally, the sensitivity of tourism. In this sense, Baldivieso noted that with this report, the aim is to show the public that the Government is working, in addition to refute these statements by some leaders who say the opposite, why said concrete results achieved relates to tourism in the department.
Moreover, the Director of Tourism said that another important activity developed this division has to do with promoting the carnival Chapaco of this management in the cities of Cochabamba, Santa Cruz and La Paz calling this from unpublished as in previous administrations is not was made that this was achieved despite significant results generated over 6,000 hits in 15 days from the first of March to 15 March.
Similarly, reported that, according to hotel records, it was evident, at least six thousand tourists were in Tarija Tarija enjoy the traditions during carnival activities, estimating that visitors informal have been achieved about 8 thousand tourists that generated a major economic movement during that time.
In a first report for the first three months of work, the head of the Tourism Development Division of the Interior, Marco Antonio Baldivieso, reported that since the possession of Lino Condori as Acting Governor began work in five areas that enhance and managed to do with the Promotion, Legal, quality services and infrastructure, education and Finally, the sensitivity of tourism. In this sense, Baldivieso noted that with this report, the aim is to show the public that the Government is working, in addition to refute these statements by some leaders who say the opposite, why said concrete results achieved relates to tourism in the department.
Moreover, the Director of Tourism said that another important activity developed this division has to do with promoting the carnival Chapaco of this management in the cities of Cochabamba, Santa Cruz and La Paz calling this from unpublished as in previous administrations is not was made that this was achieved despite significant results generated over 6,000 hits in 15 days from the first of March to 15 March.
Similarly, reported that, according to hotel records, it was evident, at least six thousand tourists were in Tarija Tarija enjoy the traditions during carnival activities, estimating that visitors informal have been achieved about 8 thousand tourists that generated a major economic movement during that time.
What Does Mean Red Flower That Everybody Wears
tourism demand more security Bolivian production Tiquina
Chamber of Hoteliers of the town of Copacabana considered more important than building a bridge over the Strait Tiquina is to improve the safety of rafts in the movement of people and trucks.
The president of the Hotel Copacabana, Milton Romero, believes that talking about this project is delicate because the boat people oppose and block as the subject is raised. He further indicated that the plan is unrealistic because it lacks funding.
hotel manager for the glory of that locality, Guillermo Caceres, this construction is not justified because it is more cost than benefit. At Easter pass through the strait, he said, a thousand motor, and that amount would be minimal to raise the need for a concrete step.
Both consider the most important thing is to ensure passenger safety and improved motorized rafts, such as providing emergency water pumps.
On Tuesday, the governor of La Paz Cesar Cocar evicted the bridge construction project because of "strong opposition" to the rafters. He noted that under these conditions "fall on deaf ears" the talks with the Bolivian Highway Administrator (ABC) for the feasibility study. In October 2010, the province requested Manco Kapac that step, in the wake of accidents.
The president of the Hotel Copacabana, Milton Romero, believes that talking about this project is delicate because the boat people oppose and block as the subject is raised. He further indicated that the plan is unrealistic because it lacks funding.
hotel manager for the glory of that locality, Guillermo Caceres, this construction is not justified because it is more cost than benefit. At Easter pass through the strait, he said, a thousand motor, and that amount would be minimal to raise the need for a concrete step.
Both consider the most important thing is to ensure passenger safety and improved motorized rafts, such as providing emergency water pumps.
On Tuesday, the governor of La Paz Cesar Cocar evicted the bridge construction project because of "strong opposition" to the rafters. He noted that under these conditions "fall on deaf ears" the talks with the Bolivian Highway Administrator (ABC) for the feasibility study. In October 2010, the province requested Manco Kapac that step, in the wake of accidents.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
St Louis Cruising Spots
First 3D displays
Images of the Puerta del Sol de Tiwanaku and the Salar de Uyuni, can now be enjoyed in three dimensions in Bolivia 3D, the first stereoscopic production in the country, like special effects movies like Avatar .
"3D is the first production in the country, because it uses a technology renovated three-dimensional systems," said Ernesto Fernandez, director of video.
This production, which had a unique promotional presentation yesterday, Megacenter of La Paz, offers images of tourist highlights and cultural expressions of the country. The public can see from the Andes, Laguna Colorada up to the dancers of the Urus diablada of Oruro. Mass functions, be scheduled in the coming months. Fernández
filmed for three months with his team of eight people. "We travel the country searching for the most representative," he says.
Another feature of this video, which lasts 12 minutes, sound and music. "It has sought a balance between visual and sound production," says Diaz Gigio music producer. In addition, points out that surround sound was used, as in major Hollywood films.
Fernandez says that his work is the first foray into the domestic production of 3D or stereoscopic film used term. About
The remains of the last sunrise, Gustavo Castellanos filmmaker says: "In this film Tarija used a very old 3D system has no impact results" and insists that its production has the same features in image and sound Avatar films like or Alice in Wonderland , who turned locker rooms in the U.S. and Europe.
New production
Duration 12 minutes.
Third Dimension Format anaglyphs lens, used to view images 3D.
Team work is a Terrafilms Production, sponsored by Soboce.
Images of the Puerta del Sol de Tiwanaku and the Salar de Uyuni, can now be enjoyed in three dimensions in Bolivia 3D, the first stereoscopic production in the country, like special effects movies like Avatar .
"3D is the first production in the country, because it uses a technology renovated three-dimensional systems," said Ernesto Fernandez, director of video.
This production, which had a unique promotional presentation yesterday, Megacenter of La Paz, offers images of tourist highlights and cultural expressions of the country. The public can see from the Andes, Laguna Colorada up to the dancers of the Urus diablada of Oruro. Mass functions, be scheduled in the coming months. Fernández
filmed for three months with his team of eight people. "We travel the country searching for the most representative," he says.
Another feature of this video, which lasts 12 minutes, sound and music. "It has sought a balance between visual and sound production," says Diaz Gigio music producer. In addition, points out that surround sound was used, as in major Hollywood films.
Fernandez says that his work is the first foray into the domestic production of 3D or stereoscopic film used term. About
The remains of the last sunrise, Gustavo Castellanos filmmaker says: "In this film Tarija used a very old 3D system has no impact results" and insists that its production has the same features in image and sound Avatar films like or Alice in Wonderland , who turned locker rooms in the U.S. and Europe.
New production
Monday, March 21, 2011
Ir Of Cigarette Smoke
attractions tour guides at FIT will present topics on the Carnival of Oruro
The tour guides offer information, leaflets and posters on the Carnival of Oruro, in the exhibition to be held at the International Tourism Fair (FIT) to be held from 25 to 27 March in La Paz.
opportunity will be discussed in the bibliographic material representing the history of Carnival, Oruro, to show visitors to the stand Input images Pilgrimage through photographs of the 18 specialties.
tourist attractions also be shown to have the department of Oruro in all provinces, which are expected to become sites of attraction and constant visits to its development and in some cases these are considered heritage sites.
regard, the president of the Bolivian Federation of Tourist Guides, Lily Solis Carpio noted that the material support he have been receiving support of the Autonomous Municipality of Oruro (GAMO) and Self-Government Department.
recalled that such plans given to the foreign tourist days of Carnival, Fair Guides, held in atmospheres of the House of Culture "Simon I. Patino" were useful for the movement of visitors, not only The city is also at the departmental level. At that time
discussed bibliographic material which means the Carnival of Oruro and its history, took advantage of exposing the posters that were released each year through the Association of GAMO and Folklore Sets Oruro (ACFO) said the president of the Bolivian Federation of Tourist Guides.
Photos giants to help promote the Carnival of Oruro |
opportunity will be discussed in the bibliographic material representing the history of Carnival, Oruro, to show visitors to the stand Input images Pilgrimage through photographs of the 18 specialties.
tourist attractions also be shown to have the department of Oruro in all provinces, which are expected to become sites of attraction and constant visits to its development and in some cases these are considered heritage sites.
regard, the president of the Bolivian Federation of Tourist Guides, Lily Solis Carpio noted that the material support he have been receiving support of the Autonomous Municipality of Oruro (GAMO) and Self-Government Department.
recalled that such plans given to the foreign tourist days of Carnival, Fair Guides, held in atmospheres of the House of Culture "Simon I. Patino" were useful for the movement of visitors, not only The city is also at the departmental level. At that time
discussed bibliographic material which means the Carnival of Oruro and its history, took advantage of exposing the posters that were released each year through the Association of GAMO and Folklore Sets Oruro (ACFO) said the president of the Bolivian Federation of Tourist Guides.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Nutritional Value Of Take Away Chicken Chow Mein
Upon entering the church Chuchulaya, inevitably gaze is directed to the statue of the Virgin, that while religiously represents the Nativity, in the tradition of the population has been dubbed Chuchulaya Virgen de la Estrella. This is because the light that people claim that is emanating from the center of the front: yes, only when a person is devout.
Strangely, this September 8, 2010 all and sundry, they could feel the glow, perhaps because this day is carried out by the party at the strangers from the city of La Paz, known as the novenantes, for nine days during the colonial period the church was assigned to the celebrations of the Virgin Mary grateful for the blessings received, reaffirming their devotion through pilgrimage and performing dances in his honor.
Something striking is the absence of the locals in celebration. Gerardo Navia, Chuchulaya born but based in the seat of government, recalls "that has always been, that the people have never participated in the festival is clearly to outsiders, the people have their party on July 16 in honor Virgen del Carmen. " It is said that this reflects the fact that the image is miraculous with outsiders and not with the locals.
While listening to the noon mass, when the father says: "I think in Jesus Christ his only son, knowing glances between the present cross. It happens that on the altar, six children Jesus, the miner, the driver, the doctor, the WACA, the llama and the most singular of all, the devil child. In devotion to the latter, because children are also considered miraculous, was established fraternity Chuchulaya Imps Reds.
After the Mass, and as is customary at religious festivals in rural areas, is removed from the church's patron Chuchulaya to go with her the four corners around the square. Front and in alignment, six women carry in arms image paths of the Child. In
nineteenth century, Chuchulaya was a trade that supplied cane to the plateau. "They had mules Tipuani products, Guanay and Mapiri, quinoa and return to Sorata. Around the square you can see the balconies of colonial type, in that time, were used to observe the running of horses and fighting bulls, says Navia.
Larecaja belongs to the province's department of La Paz, with a height of 2,828 meters above sea level, the village is blessed by a warm climate. Stresses in the breathtaking landscape ceibo of the main square, which, according to Gerardo Navia has a width that can cover only if seven men clinging embrace hands. At
Chuchulaya Ancoraimes trapped by the look of the territory to which you descend down a path of seemingly endless curves. In this holiday has scheduled a meeting with all the living forces of place, because we have to address a special topic.
sociologist Silvia Rivera, head of the working group The Collective, explains the reasons for the visit: to know a painting of the Virgin of Chuchulaya, which could be included in an art show out of Bolivia. If the people agree, one could think of restoring the work. Approved
inspection, the caravan returned to the church. Crossing a fragile wooden door arrives to the sacristy, which is actually a room full of objects and relics in poor condition, covered in dust by the lack of glass in the windows. There, between objects lying on the floor, is the reason for trip to The Collective.
Impatience is huge, but we must wait for the custodian of that package wrapped in a plastic cover. Comes with a frown, probably because he is forced to leave the party a moment that betrays the mixture on your head. Without saying a word, roll up on his shoulder, out of the room humid and dusty, dropping heavily onto the floor before the altar. All this makes the entourage launch sighs and moves to grab her head as gesture of dismay at such carelessness.
Helena Brown, the restoration specialist who has arrived from Colombia in the early hours of that day, takes the reins. After releasing the cloth of his shirt, plastic, roll it with the utmost delicacy to completely extended. In the process, as seen in slow motion appear one by one the 10 miracles that inspired the author (anonymous) to paint this work of art. These are painted on the bottom and two sides of the figure of the Virgin.
Most shows miracles of healing, not for nothing that the etymology of Chuchulaya aymara is Chujchu, which means malaria and laya, caste or place. Manuscripts eighteenth century refer to a sick people, as shown in his study of the site Behoteguy Gabriela (2010).
The Blessed Virgin Mary painting. of the Nativity and the Miraculous Ymagen of Chuchulaya, with a dimension of 283 cm x 207 cm and dated 1732, reveals at this time, in the eyes of all present, that its essence, as is the settled Behoteguy, va beyond artistic or religious value: its main value is cultural, as it represents the historical identity of the people of Chuchulaya, pick your places, landscapes, and events that marked their neighbors. We know of the existence of an earlier church, on transfer from Rosasani (old town) to Rosaspata (actual people), plus of the struggle between English and indigenous tenure of the Miraculous Medal.
The picture, despite what was said, over the years suffered imprisonment and neglect because of an attempted robbery by the year 1997 which ended a string of robberies that stripped the temple paintings, precious jewels and ornaments .
is true that this time the robbery was foiled, it is said that when the thieves tried to take pictures of the church and were cutting the canvas of the Virgin of Chuchulaya of its frame, the table fell with such noise that shook the church. The villagers woke up, ran to his temple and frightened the robbers. This was
believes in the people as another miracle of the image would not be stolen, as the study of Behoteguy.
During Holy Week of 2009, Gabriela Behoteguy knew the box while conducting fieldwork for her thesis in anthropology. On that occasion he met an old man, Porfirio Froilan Pinto, who in addition to telling about Mary, and unlike most people here, he recalled the existence of the painting. Thanks to that headed the efforts for restoration, including it in the international art project called Top Potosí.
Another miracle and a long trip
Helena observes all the details of the battered box, make notes on which to report the losses caused by weather and how he was saved, climatic conditions and feces of mice clearly accumulated.
The locals heard when the expert tells them that if the canvas is in these conditions is virtually impossible to do anything to save him.
A committee of the Ministry of Culture and the English government representatives arrive in December 2010 to collect art work and undertake the restoration work.
Shining, the table went to Madrid (Museo Reina Sofía) and Berlin (Haus der Kulturen der Welt), which was exhibited in the mega-exhibition that confronts Bolivian colonial art contemporary expressions of the world, to challenge colonial relations.
Since February, Chuchulaya history can be read through the box at the Museum of Ethnography and Folklore (MUSEF) from La Paz, where exposure by signing Principle Potosí.
However, the time that everyone involved in this journey when the Virgin is expected to return to their place of origin and miracles. This writer hopes to be there for the moment of reunion.
Upon entering the church Chuchulaya, inevitably gaze is directed to the statue of the Virgin, that while religiously represents the Nativity, in the tradition of the population has been dubbed Chuchulaya Virgen de la Estrella. This is because the light that people claim that is emanating from the center of the front: yes, only when a person is devout.
Strangely, this September 8, 2010 all and sundry, they could feel the glow, perhaps because this day is carried out by the party at the strangers from the city of La Paz, known as the novenantes, for nine days during the colonial period the church was assigned to the celebrations of the Virgin Mary grateful for the blessings received, reaffirming their devotion through pilgrimage and performing dances in his honor.
Something striking is the absence of the locals in celebration. Gerardo Navia, Chuchulaya born but based in the seat of government, recalls "that has always been, that the people have never participated in the festival is clearly to outsiders, the people have their party on July 16 in honor Virgen del Carmen. " It is said that this reflects the fact that the image is miraculous with outsiders and not with the locals.
While listening to the noon mass, when the father says: "I think in Jesus Christ his only son, knowing glances between the present cross. It happens that on the altar, six children Jesus, the miner, the driver, the doctor, the WACA, the llama and the most singular of all, the devil child. In devotion to the latter, because children are also considered miraculous, was established fraternity Chuchulaya Imps Reds.
After the Mass, and as is customary at religious festivals in rural areas, is removed from the church's patron Chuchulaya to go with her the four corners around the square. Front and in alignment, six women carry in arms image paths of the Child. In
nineteenth century, Chuchulaya was a trade that supplied cane to the plateau. "They had mules Tipuani products, Guanay and Mapiri, quinoa and return to Sorata. Around the square you can see the balconies of colonial type, in that time, were used to observe the running of horses and fighting bulls, says Navia.
Larecaja belongs to the province's department of La Paz, with a height of 2,828 meters above sea level, the village is blessed by a warm climate. Stresses in the breathtaking landscape ceibo of the main square, which, according to Gerardo Navia has a width that can cover only if seven men clinging embrace hands. At
Chuchulaya Ancoraimes trapped by the look of the territory to which you descend down a path of seemingly endless curves. In this holiday has scheduled a meeting with all the living forces of place, because we have to address a special topic.
sociologist Silvia Rivera, head of the working group The Collective, explains the reasons for the visit: to know a painting of the Virgin of Chuchulaya, which could be included in an art show out of Bolivia. If the people agree, one could think of restoring the work. Approved
inspection, the caravan returned to the church. Crossing a fragile wooden door arrives to the sacristy, which is actually a room full of objects and relics in poor condition, covered in dust by the lack of glass in the windows. There, between objects lying on the floor, is the reason for trip to The Collective.
Impatience is huge, but we must wait for the custodian of that package wrapped in a plastic cover. Comes with a frown, probably because he is forced to leave the party a moment that betrays the mixture on your head. Without saying a word, roll up on his shoulder, out of the room humid and dusty, dropping heavily onto the floor before the altar. All this makes the entourage launch sighs and moves to grab her head as gesture of dismay at such carelessness.
Helena Brown, the restoration specialist who has arrived from Colombia in the early hours of that day, takes the reins. After releasing the cloth of his shirt, plastic, roll it with the utmost delicacy to completely extended. In the process, as seen in slow motion appear one by one the 10 miracles that inspired the author (anonymous) to paint this work of art. These are painted on the bottom and two sides of the figure of the Virgin.
Most shows miracles of healing, not for nothing that the etymology of Chuchulaya aymara is Chujchu, which means malaria and laya, caste or place. Manuscripts eighteenth century refer to a sick people, as shown in his study of the site Behoteguy Gabriela (2010).
The Blessed Virgin Mary painting. of the Nativity and the Miraculous Ymagen of Chuchulaya, with a dimension of 283 cm x 207 cm and dated 1732, reveals at this time, in the eyes of all present, that its essence, as is the settled Behoteguy, va beyond artistic or religious value: its main value is cultural, as it represents the historical identity of the people of Chuchulaya, pick your places, landscapes, and events that marked their neighbors. We know of the existence of an earlier church, on transfer from Rosasani (old town) to Rosaspata (actual people), plus of the struggle between English and indigenous tenure of the Miraculous Medal.
The picture, despite what was said, over the years suffered imprisonment and neglect because of an attempted robbery by the year 1997 which ended a string of robberies that stripped the temple paintings, precious jewels and ornaments .
is true that this time the robbery was foiled, it is said that when the thieves tried to take pictures of the church and were cutting the canvas of the Virgin of Chuchulaya of its frame, the table fell with such noise that shook the church. The villagers woke up, ran to his temple and frightened the robbers. This was
believes in the people as another miracle of the image would not be stolen, as the study of Behoteguy.
During Holy Week of 2009, Gabriela Behoteguy knew the box while conducting fieldwork for her thesis in anthropology. On that occasion he met an old man, Porfirio Froilan Pinto, who in addition to telling about Mary, and unlike most people here, he recalled the existence of the painting. Thanks to that headed the efforts for restoration, including it in the international art project called Top Potosí.
Another miracle and a long trip
Helena observes all the details of the battered box, make notes on which to report the losses caused by weather and how he was saved, climatic conditions and feces of mice clearly accumulated.
The locals heard when the expert tells them that if the canvas is in these conditions is virtually impossible to do anything to save him.
A committee of the Ministry of Culture and the English government representatives arrive in December 2010 to collect art work and undertake the restoration work.
Shining, the table went to Madrid (Museo Reina Sofía) and Berlin (Haus der Kulturen der Welt), which was exhibited in the mega-exhibition that confronts Bolivian colonial art contemporary expressions of the world, to challenge colonial relations.
Since February, Chuchulaya history can be read through the box at the Museum of Ethnography and Folklore (MUSEF) from La Paz, where exposure by signing Principle Potosí.
However, the time that everyone involved in this journey when the Virgin is expected to return to their place of origin and miracles. This writer hopes to be there for the moment of reunion.
Kate's Playground On I Phone
Bolivia hidden in the tail in tourism and infrastructure standards
Bolivia is one of the world's worst countries for development of the tourism industry, according to the Report Competitiveness Index of the Travel Industry and Tourism of the World Economic Forum (WEF).
Research indicates that in 2011 global rankings, the country ranks 117 of 139 (in 2009 was in the 114) - just in front of African nations.
In America, among 25 countries surveyed, Bolivia is ranked 24 behind Venezuela. Paraguay is in last place and the United States first, followed by Canada and Barbados.
The bad rating is because of the lack or weakness of the regulatory framework for the sector and infrastructure. In the first case, the country is located on the site 133, 139 and the second at 111. Only highlights in category of "human, cultural and natural" with a score of 67.
As tourism policies in the ranking is in the position 138, is the penultimate, just ahead of Chad. In the same area, the country is ranked 128 in sustainable development, 124 in the prioritization of tourism public policy, 112 security and 110 health and hygiene. Infrastructure
The World Economic Forum report also highlights the weaknesses of Bolivia in terms of infrastructure for the development of travel and tourism industry. Among the 139 countries that make up the ranking, the country is ranked 134 land transport infrastructure in the 109 in tourist infrastructure, 100 in air transport and 33 in the area of \u200b\u200bcompetitive pricing for the tourism industry particularly by low fuel costs and hotels.
In human, cultural and natural, the worst rating for human resources puts Bolivia on the post 111 by the lack of professionals in the area and skilled labor.
education and training in tourism is not a strong point that Bolivia is ranked 96 in that category.
The best scores are for natural and cultural resources that put the country in positions 24 and 68 of the world rankings, respectively.
Switzerland is the world leader in
Switzerland, Germany and France have the most attractive environments for developing the travel and tourism industry, says the Report on Competitiveness of Travel and Tourism Industry, World Economic Forum.
Austria, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Spain and Singapore are the other seven countries on the list of the top 10.
The countries at the first ranking countries stand out for having favorable business and regulatory frameworks, as well as transport and tourism infrastructure of high quality and a focus on the care of the human and natural resources to foster a attractive environment for the development of travel and tourism sector.
combine data to classify countries
The ranking of the World Economic Forum (WEF) is determined depending on the Competitiveness Index in the Travel and Tourism Sector (TTCI, for its acronym in English) covering 139 countries.
The TTCI uses a combination of data from publicly available sources, international institutions and specialists in this sector, and the results of the Executive Opinion Survey, a comprehensive survey of the World Economic Forum.
Country Since 2011 Score: 2009 2011 * Change Since 2009-2011
Switzerland 1 1 0 5.68 5.50
March 1 Germany 2 France 3 5.41
April 1 Austria 4 2 2 5.41 5.34
February 7 Sweden 5 United States 6 5.30
February 8
UK April 11 7 5.30 5.29
Spain 8 6 -2
Canada 9 5 -4 5.29 5.23
Singapore 10 10 0
(*) The score of seven.
Source: World Economic Forum
Window "There is only one chance to impress" Daniel E.
S. Guzman, Director and Research Foundation Innovation
"There is no second chance to make a good first impression." This phrase came to my mind when I remembered the excellent experience they had my two sons when two weeks ago visited the dentist for their first check.
That first impression of professional service that gave the dentist checked the possibility of a return visit. When we talk about consultation they did not say anything negative and there are only positive elements.
The reality is that this scene has a lot to do with the fact that when it comes to services - for example, medical, radio taxis, customer or others - we have only an opportunity, which is the first to create a good impression.
first impression of the future may depend on having the company or professional who attended to gain a happy customer and generate buy-back service.
walked the streets and find curtains open business where you sell products or services. What can help make the difference between them is the truth that cater to users.
Good care may be the seal of approval and the reason a customer decides to pay more compared to other cheaper option, but that attention or the first image is not convinced.
thinking in this way I think appearances are important, which enters the eye and the senses in general. The need for greater effort and use all our ability to more valuable items will give us better opportunities to occupy a good place in the mind of the customer.
not forget that the expectations achieved with the first impression must be supported by other elements such as meeting times and promises not to fail, otherwise all the foam that is generated would be missing and there is no redemption or revisit but only a good comment.
Finally we point that the greatest benefit we can give a good first impression is to loyalty, repurchase and satisfaction that ultimately increase our revenues and we will be sustainable over time.
Bolivia is one of the world's worst countries for development of the tourism industry, according to the Report Competitiveness Index of the Travel Industry and Tourism of the World Economic Forum (WEF).
Research indicates that in 2011 global rankings, the country ranks 117 of 139 (in 2009 was in the 114) - just in front of African nations.
In America, among 25 countries surveyed, Bolivia is ranked 24 behind Venezuela. Paraguay is in last place and the United States first, followed by Canada and Barbados.
The bad rating is because of the lack or weakness of the regulatory framework for the sector and infrastructure. In the first case, the country is located on the site 133, 139 and the second at 111. Only highlights in category of "human, cultural and natural" with a score of 67.
As tourism policies in the ranking is in the position 138, is the penultimate, just ahead of Chad. In the same area, the country is ranked 128 in sustainable development, 124 in the prioritization of tourism public policy, 112 security and 110 health and hygiene. Infrastructure
The World Economic Forum report also highlights the weaknesses of Bolivia in terms of infrastructure for the development of travel and tourism industry. Among the 139 countries that make up the ranking, the country is ranked 134 land transport infrastructure in the 109 in tourist infrastructure, 100 in air transport and 33 in the area of \u200b\u200bcompetitive pricing for the tourism industry particularly by low fuel costs and hotels.
In human, cultural and natural, the worst rating for human resources puts Bolivia on the post 111 by the lack of professionals in the area and skilled labor.
education and training in tourism is not a strong point that Bolivia is ranked 96 in that category.
The best scores are for natural and cultural resources that put the country in positions 24 and 68 of the world rankings, respectively.
Switzerland is the world leader in
Switzerland, Germany and France have the most attractive environments for developing the travel and tourism industry, says the Report on Competitiveness of Travel and Tourism Industry, World Economic Forum.
Austria, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Spain and Singapore are the other seven countries on the list of the top 10.
The countries at the first ranking countries stand out for having favorable business and regulatory frameworks, as well as transport and tourism infrastructure of high quality and a focus on the care of the human and natural resources to foster a attractive environment for the development of travel and tourism sector.
combine data to classify countries
The ranking of the World Economic Forum (WEF) is determined depending on the Competitiveness Index in the Travel and Tourism Sector (TTCI, for its acronym in English) covering 139 countries.
The TTCI uses a combination of data from publicly available sources, international institutions and specialists in this sector, and the results of the Executive Opinion Survey, a comprehensive survey of the World Economic Forum.
Country Since 2011 Score: 2009 2011 * Change Since 2009-2011
Switzerland 1 1 0 5.68 5.50
March 1 Germany 2 France 3 5.41
April 1 Austria 4 2 2 5.41 5.34
February 7 Sweden 5 United States 6 5.30
February 8
UK April 11 7 5.30 5.29
Spain 8 6 -2
Canada 9 5 -4 5.29 5.23
Singapore 10 10 0
(*) The score of seven.
Source: World Economic Forum
Window "There is only one chance to impress" Daniel E.
S. Guzman, Director and Research Foundation Innovation
"There is no second chance to make a good first impression." This phrase came to my mind when I remembered the excellent experience they had my two sons when two weeks ago visited the dentist for their first check.
That first impression of professional service that gave the dentist checked the possibility of a return visit. When we talk about consultation they did not say anything negative and there are only positive elements.
The reality is that this scene has a lot to do with the fact that when it comes to services - for example, medical, radio taxis, customer or others - we have only an opportunity, which is the first to create a good impression.
first impression of the future may depend on having the company or professional who attended to gain a happy customer and generate buy-back service.
walked the streets and find curtains open business where you sell products or services. What can help make the difference between them is the truth that cater to users.
Good care may be the seal of approval and the reason a customer decides to pay more compared to other cheaper option, but that attention or the first image is not convinced.
thinking in this way I think appearances are important, which enters the eye and the senses in general. The need for greater effort and use all our ability to more valuable items will give us better opportunities to occupy a good place in the mind of the customer.
not forget that the expectations achieved with the first impression must be supported by other elements such as meeting times and promises not to fail, otherwise all the foam that is generated would be missing and there is no redemption or revisit but only a good comment.
Finally we point that the greatest benefit we can give a good first impression is to loyalty, repurchase and satisfaction that ultimately increase our revenues and we will be sustainable over time.
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tropical Chapare Incachaca
A 80 km from Cochabamba
The route is on the old road to Santa Cruz. Is a tropical area where you can see beautiful waterfalls and streams that carved the stone, and a luxuriant vegetation and suitable places for sport fishing.
There is a nature trail in the middle of nature where it tests the endurance.
A 80 km from Cochabamba
The route is on the old road to Santa Cruz. Is a tropical area where you can see beautiful waterfalls and streams that carved the stone, and a luxuriant vegetation and suitable places for sport fishing.
There is a nature trail in the middle of nature where it tests the endurance.
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Montecillo Tiquipaya High Museum
45 km from Cochabamba
In the northern town of Tiquipaya is the area of \u200b\u200bHigh Montecillo. There, amid a forest of eucalyptus and natural waterfalls shows one of the most charming landscapes. There, tourists can enjoy and benefit from the waters of Khor.
This sector is also characterized by long paths to reach the top of the mountain Cruzani.
45 km from Cochabamba
In the northern town of Tiquipaya is the area of \u200b\u200bHigh Montecillo. There, amid a forest of eucalyptus and natural waterfalls shows one of the most charming landscapes. There, tourists can enjoy and benefit from the waters of Khor.
This sector is also characterized by long paths to reach the top of the mountain Cruzani.
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Sipe Sipe
A 27 km from Cochabamba
Sipe Sipe is a town where colonial facades coexist with modern buildings in the middle of the countryside. The Regional Museum of Sipe Sipe exhibits important archaeological remains of the pre-Columbian cultures of the valley. Potosi
A 27 km from Cochabamba
Sipe Sipe is a town where colonial facades coexist with modern buildings in the middle of the countryside. The Regional Museum of Sipe Sipe exhibits important archaeological remains of the pre-Columbian cultures of the valley. Potosi
Saturday, March 19, 2011
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provincial Potosí is in the International Tourism Fair
participate in the fifteenth version of the Fair International Tourism to be held in the city of La Paz
Friday 25 to Sunday 27 March at the fairgrounds Seguencoma field.
From the Department of Tourism and Culture of the Interior was reported to have secured four seats, almost an island, which will show the best of the tourist image of Potosí.
Juan Carlos López, responsible for promotion of Tourism Ministry of the Interior, reported that major prepares promotional materials brochures of the Holy Cross of Macha, southwest of San Luis, the Toro Toro National Park and the typical food Potosí.
He said that the city of La Paz will be launched of the Holy Cross, will be calendars, postcards and playing cards with pictures of the city, will present the figure of carnotauro and salt transfer from Uyuni, all with the idea of \u200b\u200bpresenting the best of the tourist attractions of the Department.
"We are seeing the possibility of material about the museum Huallpa Diego because the Secretariat is committed to help promote the museum, also will carry two 40-inch TVs LGD and speaker to show documentaries and images of the city Potosi and displayed various cultural activities held in the Department, "said Lopez.
Potosí participated with other samples in Fairs 2010, Tarija and Santa Cruz in 2009.
Friday 25 to Sunday 27 March at the fairgrounds Seguencoma field.
From the Department of Tourism and Culture of the Interior was reported to have secured four seats, almost an island, which will show the best of the tourist image of Potosí.
Juan Carlos López, responsible for promotion of Tourism Ministry of the Interior, reported that major prepares promotional materials brochures of the Holy Cross of Macha, southwest of San Luis, the Toro Toro National Park and the typical food Potosí.
He said that the city of La Paz will be launched of the Holy Cross, will be calendars, postcards and playing cards with pictures of the city, will present the figure of carnotauro and salt transfer from Uyuni, all with the idea of \u200b\u200bpresenting the best of the tourist attractions of the Department.
"We are seeing the possibility of material about the museum Huallpa Diego because the Secretariat is committed to help promote the museum, also will carry two 40-inch TVs LGD and speaker to show documentaries and images of the city Potosi and displayed various cultural activities held in the Department, "said Lopez.
Potosí participated with other samples in Fairs 2010, Tarija and Santa Cruz in 2009.
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Elizabeth Salguero the Mayan calendar to attract tourists by 2012
Its management objectives is to position the country's tourism brand, promote and preserve the heritage of Bolivia and strengthen the cultural revolution.
A day after officially the nomination to UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity and ayarachi pujllay dances (Sucre), the fair Alasita (La Paz) and San Ignacio Piester Ichapekene Moxos, the Culture Minister Elizabeth Salguero, announced several bills. These include the tourism, cultural heritage, traditional knowledge projection and the law of decolonization.
- How to structurally organize the ministry under his management? "We have three deputy
under our protection: the intercultural, Decolonization and Tourism. The structure is intact, we are seeing is that the devolved institutions such as the Official Ballet School, the School of Folklore, the Bolivian Choral Society or Conacine should work better.
- How to address coordination with departmental directors Culture?
"We are convening a meeting to conduct a democratic election of new directors, given that its management is being finalized.
- What is the budget managed management?
-TGN Bs 34 million, about adding more resources in the international cooperation, some grants and other loans.
"The budget is one of the lowest in the cabinet, is a vice-ministry level. Are there plans for leveling?
We believe that there can be ministries of first and second. The social, cultural and artistic heritage is as important as the field of security and the economy. The pay scale has to be uniform. In particular for this ministry, there has been the ability to run resources, particularly in tourism and that is our priority order from the president.
-Zulma Yugar (former Minister) referred to the possibility of constructing a center of international events in Santa Cruz and said that the government will invest U.S. $ 4 million in the building. Does your project?
-The Department of Art and Cultural Promotion has several projects that are studying in that sense, we believe important to decentralize several areas that should be regional, such as those for video production, theater, etc. After evaluating the competencies of the different governments are going to give continuity and support to all that is promised.
- What is your personal commitment to the ministry?
"A challenge is to be the core of the cultural revolution we have undertaken, this implies our projects to occupy a strategic place in the country's development. I want to have the breadth and strength to do my job.
Its management objectives is to position the country's tourism brand, promote and preserve the heritage of Bolivia and strengthen the cultural revolution.
A day after officially the nomination to UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity and ayarachi pujllay dances (Sucre), the fair Alasita (La Paz) and San Ignacio Piester Ichapekene Moxos, the Culture Minister Elizabeth Salguero, announced several bills. These include the tourism, cultural heritage, traditional knowledge projection and the law of decolonization.
- How to structurally organize the ministry under his management? "We have three deputy
under our protection: the intercultural, Decolonization and Tourism. The structure is intact, we are seeing is that the devolved institutions such as the Official Ballet School, the School of Folklore, the Bolivian Choral Society or Conacine should work better.
- How to address coordination with departmental directors Culture?
"We are convening a meeting to conduct a democratic election of new directors, given that its management is being finalized.
- What is the budget managed management?
-TGN Bs 34 million, about adding more resources in the international cooperation, some grants and other loans.
"The budget is one of the lowest in the cabinet, is a vice-ministry level. Are there plans for leveling?
We believe that there can be ministries of first and second. The social, cultural and artistic heritage is as important as the field of security and the economy. The pay scale has to be uniform. In particular for this ministry, there has been the ability to run resources, particularly in tourism and that is our priority order from the president.
-Zulma Yugar (former Minister) referred to the possibility of constructing a center of international events in Santa Cruz and said that the government will invest U.S. $ 4 million in the building. Does your project?
-The Department of Art and Cultural Promotion has several projects that are studying in that sense, we believe important to decentralize several areas that should be regional, such as those for video production, theater, etc. After evaluating the competencies of the different governments are going to give continuity and support to all that is promised.
- What is your personal commitment to the ministry?
"A challenge is to be the core of the cultural revolution we have undertaken, this implies our projects to occupy a strategic place in the country's development. I want to have the breadth and strength to do my job.
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cruises are not exclusive to the seas. The "Queen of Enin" is a boat sailing the Amazon river allowing visitors direct contact with nature. The dolphins are among the main attractions.
a floating hotel. The "Queen of Enin is a flotel (hotel navigator) that travels the rivers of the Bolivian Amazon, considered one of the most diverse natural reservoirs of the world.
The catamaran boat has three floors housing 10 rooms with private bathroom hot water, fan and air conditioning. It has a capacity for 38 passengers.
Who made this cruise have the opportunity to learn more about the wild nature of this part of the world and wet and Yuracarés communities located along the riverbanks.
The Bolivian river dolphin. Accustomed to the visit of Queen enyne, the Bolivian river dolphins or dolphins accompanied in many places the route of this vessel. Visitors can not hide his joy at seeing aquatic mammals perform stunts in the air.
The cruise program is provided for a refreshing dip in the water with this friendly animal.
Like many others, the pink dolphin is a species unique in the world and the only territory where it can find is in the Bolivian Amazon rivers.
Various activities. Whether dry or rainy season, the cruise has activities to suit the benefits that can provide the climate. Are walks through the jungle to learn about the species native to the area as bibosi, the clams, eight patujú, among others. On the occasion may also be seen in squirrel monkeys, howler or manechi.
are also scheduled trips or canoe Cayax one piece of wood.
A three-day cruise aboard the "Enin" has a cost of $ 358 per person. The boat departs from Trinidad and the cost includes meals, tours and visits.
cruises are not exclusive to the seas. The "Queen of Enin" is a boat sailing the Amazon river allowing visitors direct contact with nature. The dolphins are among the main attractions.
a floating hotel. The "Queen of Enin is a flotel (hotel navigator) that travels the rivers of the Bolivian Amazon, considered one of the most diverse natural reservoirs of the world.
The catamaran boat has three floors housing 10 rooms with private bathroom hot water, fan and air conditioning. It has a capacity for 38 passengers.
Who made this cruise have the opportunity to learn more about the wild nature of this part of the world and wet and Yuracarés communities located along the riverbanks.
The Bolivian river dolphin. Accustomed to the visit of Queen enyne, the Bolivian river dolphins or dolphins accompanied in many places the route of this vessel. Visitors can not hide his joy at seeing aquatic mammals perform stunts in the air.
The cruise program is provided for a refreshing dip in the water with this friendly animal.
Like many others, the pink dolphin is a species unique in the world and the only territory where it can find is in the Bolivian Amazon rivers.
Various activities. Whether dry or rainy season, the cruise has activities to suit the benefits that can provide the climate. Are walks through the jungle to learn about the species native to the area as bibosi, the clams, eight patujú, among others. On the occasion may also be seen in squirrel monkeys, howler or manechi.
are also scheduled trips or canoe Cayax one piece of wood.
A three-day cruise aboard the "Enin" has a cost of $ 358 per person. The boat departs from Trinidad and the cost includes meals, tours and visits.
Friday, March 18, 2011
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The animal is a relative of the famous Velociraptor from Mongolia, very close birds.
Fossils found in the area the Neuquen Barreales helped identify a new species of dinosaur, directly related to the origin of birds.
is a Cretaceous animal life that measured just 70 inches tall and has the distinction of having developed a sort of superdedo on their feet, which places it in the group of deinonicosaurios.
The work was published in Proceedings of the Third Gondwanan Dinosaur Symposium of the prestigious journal Anais da Academia Brasileira de Sciences, a new species of a small Patagonian dinosaur.
The fossil remains were discovered by Diego Rosales in 2006 on the north shore of Lake Barreales. Dinosaur was baptized Pamparaptor micros and is related to deinonicosaurios because "presents a foot similar to the basal dromaeosaurids troodontid and" explains the paper presented by the paleontologist Juan Porfiri, Jorge Calvo and Santos Domenica.
foot morphology is unknown in other dinosaurs in South America, which helped to identify the new species, researchers said in a job. The troodontid are important because they relate to the origin of birds, which share many characters. The remains of dromaeosaurs are common in sediments of Argentina. The dromaeosaur best known is the famous Velociraptor found in Mongolia.
size of Pamparaptor was about 50 to 70 centimeters.
is a Cretaceous animal life that measured just 70 inches tall and has the distinction of having developed a sort of superdedo on their feet, which places it in the group of deinonicosaurios.
The work was published in Proceedings of the Third Gondwanan Dinosaur Symposium of the prestigious journal Anais da Academia Brasileira de Sciences, a new species of a small Patagonian dinosaur.
The fossil remains were discovered by Diego Rosales in 2006 on the north shore of Lake Barreales. Dinosaur was baptized Pamparaptor micros and is related to deinonicosaurios because "presents a foot similar to the basal dromaeosaurids troodontid and" explains the paper presented by the paleontologist Juan Porfiri, Jorge Calvo and Santos Domenica.
foot morphology is unknown in other dinosaurs in South America, which helped to identify the new species, researchers said in a job. The troodontid are important because they relate to the origin of birds, which share many characters. The remains of dromaeosaurs are common in sediments of Argentina. The dromaeosaur best known is the famous Velociraptor found in Mongolia.
size of Pamparaptor was about 50 to 70 centimeters.
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superdedo ruled ocean ventilation periods

An international study shows that global warming hyperthermic events Eocene (between 34 and 53 million years) had a longer short and a quicker recovery than previously thought. The researchers suggest that the exchange of carbon between the atmosphere and ocean influence events. The findings will help understand the global carbon cycle during extreme heat events.
During the Eocene there were six events hyperthermic "Global temperature climbs within a period of warm-alone, which had a shorter duration and a faster recovery than the maximum of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal (PETM, for its acronym in English)," makes 53 million years, the most extreme case of global warming history.
Among the Paleocene-do between 53 and 65 million years, and the Eocene, the PETM caused a temperature rise of up to 7 º C. Scientists attribute these climate changes to a massive release of greenhouse gases stored in carbon deposits in the ocean.
"has been compared with the current warming PETM caused global fossil fuel burning, the rapid start of the event and the release of large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere sedimentary sources, "says Philip Sexton, one of the authors of the study and researcher at the Open University ( UK).
The results, which are now published in the journal Nature, show that the differences between these events are due to ocean ventilation, ie carbon exchange that occurs between the atmosphere and the ocean.
"large quantities of CO2 is steadily released into the atmosphere by increased ventilation of the interior of the oceans", explains Philip Sexton, one of the authors of the study and researcher at the Open University (United Kingdom).
"When conditions permitted, the CO2 was taken up by the sea and allowed the rapid recovery of these events," he adds. In the case of the PETM, scientists believe that the natural carbon exhumation of a book caused a delay in redistribution between the ocean and atmosphere.
To reach their conclusions, the researchers recreated the climate of the Eocene sediments across the western tropical Atlantic, corresponding to the transition between the early and middle Eocene. The study findings will help to understand global carbon cycles in future events of extreme heat.
During the Eocene there were six events hyperthermic "Global temperature climbs within a period of warm-alone, which had a shorter duration and a faster recovery than the maximum of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal (PETM, for its acronym in English)," makes 53 million years, the most extreme case of global warming history.
Among the Paleocene-do between 53 and 65 million years, and the Eocene, the PETM caused a temperature rise of up to 7 º C. Scientists attribute these climate changes to a massive release of greenhouse gases stored in carbon deposits in the ocean.
"has been compared with the current warming PETM caused global fossil fuel burning, the rapid start of the event and the release of large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere sedimentary sources, "says Philip Sexton, one of the authors of the study and researcher at the Open University ( UK).
The results, which are now published in the journal Nature, show that the differences between these events are due to ocean ventilation, ie carbon exchange that occurs between the atmosphere and the ocean.
"large quantities of CO2 is steadily released into the atmosphere by increased ventilation of the interior of the oceans", explains Philip Sexton, one of the authors of the study and researcher at the Open University (United Kingdom).
"When conditions permitted, the CO2 was taken up by the sea and allowed the rapid recovery of these events," he adds. In the case of the PETM, scientists believe that the natural carbon exhumation of a book caused a delay in redistribution between the ocean and atmosphere.
To reach their conclusions, the researchers recreated the climate of the Eocene sediments across the western tropical Atlantic, corresponding to the transition between the early and middle Eocene. The study findings will help to understand global carbon cycles in future events of extreme heat.
Source: / Photo: SINC
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A 52 km south of the city of Cochabamba, Villa Rivero, also known as grinding, with an altitude of 2,760 meters, second section of the province Punata, soil and tissue a town that was home to famous names in Bolivian history.
a tribute to the memory of Don Francisco del Rivero hero of national independence, which was created by Decree Law of October 12, 1915 under the name of Villa Rivero.
This valley is the home of Bolivian President Gualberto Villarroel extinct, which pays tribute to him in July, you can also see the monument to Jesus Lara, enlightened novelist.
The main productive activity is agriculture Villa Rivero.
climatic conditions, soil characteristics, topography, and water resources have allowed its population, growing corn, potatoes and assorted fruits and vegetables.
From "The Hillside" that goes to Calvary you can see the beauty and greenery of the Upper Cochabamba Valley. The river is suitable for washing, bathing, and share a barbecue with the family a nice day.
The typical food is the uchu pea dish, consisting of potatoes, beef and tongue, Phuti of potato flour, rice, salad and peas, this dish is accompanied with traditional chicha. CRAFTS
is characterized by a craft activity recognized in the department, which is part of the weaving and embroidery, garment getting as scarves, phullus (blankets), ch'ulus and mantles. There are craftsmen who are dedicated to vertical tissue, which results in paintings and tapestries of wool, in bright and colorful, rustic result of a technique used on the hands and feet.
Holidays is a deeply religious, is its patron saint July 25, in honor of the Virgen del Carmen, among other holidays are the Carnival, Easter, Todos Santos and the sacrifice of Gualberto Villarroel, held on the eve of the feast of the Virgin.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
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Minister of Culture, Elizabeth Salguero, reported Thursday that the application folders representing three cultural expressions of Bolivia were sent to UNESCO to be declared "Cultural and Intangible Heritage of Humanity ".
recalled that Unesco receives each year until March 31 applications from various countries, with all the background, in the case of Bolivia are endorsed by the Ministry of Education.
pointed in this direction to run for the party of Ichapekene Piester, meaning "the greatest thing we have" and held in the municipality of San Ignacio de Moxos from 7 June to 4 August.
is also postulated Pujllay dance, translated from the Quechua name that means "play." "It's a historic and local dance that takes place in the municipality of Tarabuco 19 and March 20," said the Minister of Culture.
In this application, includes Ayarichi dance, because it belongs to the same culture Yampara.
Finally, we suggest the feast of Alasita, "party involving the Ekeko paceña and miniatures, which during the colonial period was a party banned "stated Salguero.
In 2000, UNESCO declared the carnival of Oruro, with all its 19 cultural dances and musical expressions, as a Masterpiece of Intangible Heritage of Humanity.
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The Mexican government will use the Mayan calendar end in 2012, considered by some as a doomsday forecast to attract tourists this year, the Secretary of Tourism of Mexico, Gloria Guevara. In the forum "Mexico door of America ", organized by the bank BBVA Bancomer and the newspaper El Pais, the official recalled that in 2012 the Mayan calendar ends, generating speculation. EFE, Mexico
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Straits and dark stone passages kept within the church of Santo Domingo stories and testimonies of four centuries and are guarded in what was the first parish seat of the then Villa de Oropeza, Cochabamba today .
Its sturdy stone and mud walls insulate the bustle of the city providing a peaceful time for meditation and prayer of his parishioners.
The temple town has many memories of Friars
The building was erected on the original site of the Convent of the Friars of the Order of Preachers or Dominicans the year 1612. Which contributed to the process of evangelization and colonization vallunos in the town. Lives
The record books are true accounts of life and death of the protagonists of the story in Cochabamba. Among many, is registered, the demise of Alejo Calatayud (1731), a year after organizing the Cochabamba revolt against English rule. Also the baptism of Adela Zamudio (1854) the rebel poet, which is credited the day of Bolivian women. The marriage of the last English governor, Josef Gonzales de Prada Lombera Nicole Brown (1810) are recorded in documents of this heritage. Value
For historical and architectural value, this building was National Monument Supreme Decree No. 8171 of December 7, 1967.
Friday, March 11, 2011
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Eocene global warming 'El Niño', also disrupted the Earth during the Pliocene
Source: SINC

Asian A team of researchers has discovered that during the Pliocene warm period (between 3 and 5 million years) climatic conditions were associated with the phenomenon of 'El Niño'. Experts say that with global warming, these features are repeated in the future, but are not "permanent."
"The variability of 'El Niño' already existed in the warm season Pliocene "SINC Tsuyoshi Watanabe, lead study author and researcher in the Department of History of Natural Sciences of Hokkaido University in Japan. This period occurred about 3 to 5 million years.
Experts believe that the Pliocene warm period met very similar to those recorded in the future with global warming. "The temperatures were on average 2 or 3 º C warmer than now, and concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) were higher," says Watanabe.
El Niño is a cyclical climate phenomenon caused by changing patterns movement of ocean currents in the tropics, which causes very different weather as heavy rains or changes in temperature.
"Although the terms of the 'El Niño' is repeated with global warming will not be permanently" said the expert. According to their study, published today in the journal Nature, this phenomenon was not constant during the Pliocene warm periods.
To achieve these results, Asian researchers conducted high-resolution analysis of oxygen isotopes preserved in fossil coral to the western Pacific Ocean, about 3.5 million years old. With these data, experts outlined the seasonal and interannual variability of temperature and sea surface salinity.
"The variability of 'El Niño' already existed in the warm season Pliocene "SINC Tsuyoshi Watanabe, lead study author and researcher in the Department of History of Natural Sciences of Hokkaido University in Japan. This period occurred about 3 to 5 million years.
Experts believe that the Pliocene warm period met very similar to those recorded in the future with global warming. "The temperatures were on average 2 or 3 º C warmer than now, and concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) were higher," says Watanabe.
El Niño is a cyclical climate phenomenon caused by changing patterns movement of ocean currents in the tropics, which causes very different weather as heavy rains or changes in temperature.
"Although the terms of the 'El Niño' is repeated with global warming will not be permanently" said the expert. According to their study, published today in the journal Nature, this phenomenon was not constant during the Pliocene warm periods.
To achieve these results, Asian researchers conducted high-resolution analysis of oxygen isotopes preserved in fossil coral to the western Pacific Ocean, about 3.5 million years old. With these data, experts outlined the seasonal and interannual variability of temperature and sea surface salinity.
Source: SINC
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The BBC broadcast an investigation of the UMA on the paleobiology of extinct hyena

informative channel BBC News Earth has recently released research from the University of Malaga (UMA) on the paleobiology of extinct hyena more than 100 kilograms of body mass lived at the site of Mycenae sale in the region of Orce (Granada), early Pleistocene.
Professor of Paleontology at the University of Manchester Paul Palmqvist has been who has led the team the study of this kind, called 'Pachycrocuta brevirostri' from the analysis of changes in the bones of large mammals. "This is a type of hyena which is twice the size of spotted hyenas today," the researcher stressed.
The paper also shows that this hyena, no analogues among modern species, experienced a highly specialized adaptation to scavenging, posing a serious competition for early hominids in the subcontinent settled in Europe.
"These carnivores, with proportionately short and stout limbs, were capable of removing the prey hunted by other predators and dismember Such carcasses for transport to their breeding dens, "said in a statement the professor, adding that the hyena" had a jaw teeth and a very thick and tough, with whom he could crush the bones, including elephants and hippos , maximizing all resources.
The site of Mycenae is regarded as an enclave of continued reference in the literature of English Quaternary, Europe and worldwide.
is a horizontal level of limestone that shows a continued skeletal remains of large fossil with a variable thickness from 75 centimeters to a meter and a tour of area more than two kilometers, so that hosts millions of fossils of this age.
Professor of Paleontology at the University of Manchester Paul Palmqvist has been who has led the team the study of this kind, called 'Pachycrocuta brevirostri' from the analysis of changes in the bones of large mammals. "This is a type of hyena which is twice the size of spotted hyenas today," the researcher stressed.
The paper also shows that this hyena, no analogues among modern species, experienced a highly specialized adaptation to scavenging, posing a serious competition for early hominids in the subcontinent settled in Europe.
"These carnivores, with proportionately short and stout limbs, were capable of removing the prey hunted by other predators and dismember Such carcasses for transport to their breeding dens, "said in a statement the professor, adding that the hyena" had a jaw teeth and a very thick and tough, with whom he could crush the bones, including elephants and hippos , maximizing all resources.
The site of Mycenae is regarded as an enclave of continued reference in the literature of English Quaternary, Europe and worldwide.
is a horizontal level of limestone that shows a continued skeletal remains of large fossil with a variable thickness from 75 centimeters to a meter and a tour of area more than two kilometers, so that hosts millions of fossils of this age.
Arcade Legend Cabinet
Mary Anning, the fossil hunters who revolutionized paleontologists paleontology
Mary Anning was only 12 when an astonishing discovery changed his life. Months ago, his brother Joseph had found what appeared to be a crocodile skull, but the little Mary was quite skeptical that fossil and, as if it were a hobby either, continued research to find the truth. Joseph, who seemed not to give too much importance to that issue, soon left his sister alone in their research. This story was the point of origin for about a year later, when Mary had just turned 12 years, finding a fascinating fossil 5,2 meters long and did not resemble any known animal.
But they really had found Mary Anning was neither more nor less than a specimen of ichthyosaur, a marine reptile from the Jurassic era. His appearance, similar that of a dolphin, he was won the name "alligator" (Ichthyosauria). The most extraordinary fossil Anning had found it was virtually complete and had a wonderful maintenance conditions (previously, they had found evidence that the small bones of the ichthyosaur by, but nobody had come across a complete copy).
For that feat worthy of the greatest paleontologist Mary Anning only gained 27 pounds, but something much more important than that was born: His vocation as a fossil hunter.
Mary came from a lower class family, which, added to which was a woman, made it harder to greatly its entry into the world of science. The Geological Society of London never admitted its members and always took it as an intruder. In fact, if it had been part of the scientific community, would probably have much more information on their findings, since, at times, paleontologists published studies based on fossils that she was not even mentioned. One of the best friends of Mary once wrote: "Mary says the world has used over and over again ... these men of science have sucked his brain, and have released a great game publishing works of which she developed content , receiving nothing in return. "
But all these setbacks did not prevent Mary developed his hobby: After the success that had generated his discovery of ichthyosaur, decided to open their own store of fossils. By that time he was 27 years and long experience as a collector of fossils. This new project attracted geologists from all over Europe and America, who came in search of exotic discoveries. Characters such recognized importance as George William Featherstonhaugh (first geologist in the history of the United States and a of the most important contributors to the Lyceum of Natural History in New York) went to England to buy fossil Mary. Even King Frederick Augustus II of Saxony was part of their clientele, which allowed the vagaries of an ichthyosaur buy for your collection.
The oddest thing about Mary Anning was his self-education: fish and squid dissected for comparison with the fossils found and devoured every book on paleontology who fell into their hands. This strengthened the role of Anning as one of the greatest experts in the field. In fact, years before he founded his store of fossils, and had made many great discoveries. Even should say that since the discovery of ichthyosaur, Mary did not stop new fossils ever found.
For example, during 1920-1921 (when she was 22 years old), made another discovery: A rare fossil of what appeared to be another marine reptile. Again, again the focus of numerous paleontólgos they began to devise hypotheses on the origin of this oddity. Proved to be the first fossil of a plesiosaur registered an animal of 5 meters from the Upper Jurassic, which attracted the admiration of all scientists. A few years later, Mary herself plesiosaur fossil found another that was even better (the first he found lacking the skull, but the second was perfect).
geologist William Daniel Conybeare wrote the most important item on the Plesiosaur and gave him his name, but never mentioned to Mary as the discoverer of the fossil. This is not only one of the many expressions of contempt which Mary suffered throughout their history (in fact, besides finding the fossil, she had been responsible for many of the sketches that accompanied the article.)
But their findings also generated distrust. The naturalist Georges Cuvier, who was one of the foremost authorities in the field of comparative anatomy, doubted the veracity of the fossil and began to examine itself to see if it was a fraud (something not uncommon in those days). And, the huge neck plesiosaur, which consisted of 35 vertebrae, wondered why on way to Cuvier, who thought of the possibility that it was a combination of the bones of various animals. However, after an investigation by the Geological Society of London, concluded that it was a legitimate fossil, recognizing that he was wrong in his accusations.
Throughout her career, Mary Anning made many more discoveries that, although not as spectacular as the previous ones, were quite important in the advancement of science. As an example, in 1828, discovered a copy in excellent conditions Dapedium politum, a fish that lived during the Triassic and Jurassic. Although she was not the discoverer of this species, was the one which provided one of the best preserved fossils that allowed a better study of their characteristics.
also found parts of the skeleton of a pterosaur, the famous flying vertebrates that lived with dinosaurs for most of the Mesozoic Era. Another of his contributions was the discovery related to the belemnites, a group of extinct mollusks and very similar to squid current and cuttlefish (specifically, Mary came to the conclusion that the belemnites ink used to defend as well as cephalopods do today).
But the importance of Mary Anning in the history of science is far beyond the simple discovery of single species: The paleontological evidence that contributions were a major support to the theory of the extinction of species, an essential element in the theory of evolution by natural selection. At that time even some thought that no species was extinct. Although scientists such as Cuvier had said that some mammals like the mammoth had gone, many others thought that these animals still exist in unexplored areas of the world (because, for them, the disappearance of a species created by God was a sign of imperfection). However, when Mary was with those strange animals, no one dared to doubt that might remain.
was also a founder of the science of geology is now known as paleontology, demonstrating that they could study the history of living things by fossil evidence. The analysis of the chronology of the earth from geological and paleontological evidence sustained a boom thanks to many of his discoveries.
At 47 years old, died of breast cancer, leaving behind an unforgettable legacy. After his death, many works were made in his honor. From the Geological Society of London, he spent a tribute that has never before had done to someone outside the company itself, let alone a woman. Other examples of recognition are the church of San Miguel Archangel, Lyme Regis, which has a window made in honor of the paleontologist, and the famous writer Charles Dickens, who came to dedicate an article in a magazine in which he wrote, remembering the great difficulties he went through this pioneer and expert in paleontology.

was the year 1810 in Britain, a time when the creationist theory was beginning to falter against new hypothesis (only a year earlier, in 1809, Lamarck had presented his theory of evolution). The discovery of the girl caused a sensation in scientific circles and society in England was excited to see the monster that fossil unknown. The naturalist William Bullock stated publicly the discovery in a London mansion, and soon the world of geology and biology began to investigate what it actually was. Scientists like
Everard Home wrote long articles describing the monster: At first I thought it was a fish, later concluded that it was an ancestor of the platypus, and he even said that was a cross between salamander and lizard .
Everard Home wrote long articles describing the monster: At first I thought it was a fish, later concluded that it was an ancestor of the platypus, and he even said that was a cross between salamander and lizard .

But they really had found Mary Anning was neither more nor less than a specimen of ichthyosaur, a marine reptile from the Jurassic era. His appearance, similar that of a dolphin, he was won the name "alligator" (Ichthyosauria). The most extraordinary fossil Anning had found it was virtually complete and had a wonderful maintenance conditions (previously, they had found evidence that the small bones of the ichthyosaur by, but nobody had come across a complete copy).
For that feat worthy of the greatest paleontologist Mary Anning only gained 27 pounds, but something much more important than that was born: His vocation as a fossil hunter.
Mary came from a lower class family, which, added to which was a woman, made it harder to greatly its entry into the world of science. The Geological Society of London never admitted its members and always took it as an intruder. In fact, if it had been part of the scientific community, would probably have much more information on their findings, since, at times, paleontologists published studies based on fossils that she was not even mentioned. One of the best friends of Mary once wrote: "Mary says the world has used over and over again ... these men of science have sucked his brain, and have released a great game publishing works of which she developed content , receiving nothing in return. "
But all these setbacks did not prevent Mary developed his hobby: After the success that had generated his discovery of ichthyosaur, decided to open their own store of fossils. By that time he was 27 years and long experience as a collector of fossils. This new project attracted geologists from all over Europe and America, who came in search of exotic discoveries. Characters such recognized importance as George William Featherstonhaugh (first geologist in the history of the United States and a of the most important contributors to the Lyceum of Natural History in New York) went to England to buy fossil Mary. Even King Frederick Augustus II of Saxony was part of their clientele, which allowed the vagaries of an ichthyosaur buy for your collection.

The oddest thing about Mary Anning was his self-education: fish and squid dissected for comparison with the fossils found and devoured every book on paleontology who fell into their hands. This strengthened the role of Anning as one of the greatest experts in the field. In fact, years before he founded his store of fossils, and had made many great discoveries. Even should say that since the discovery of ichthyosaur, Mary did not stop new fossils ever found.
For example, during 1920-1921 (when she was 22 years old), made another discovery: A rare fossil of what appeared to be another marine reptile. Again, again the focus of numerous paleontólgos they began to devise hypotheses on the origin of this oddity. Proved to be the first fossil of a plesiosaur registered an animal of 5 meters from the Upper Jurassic, which attracted the admiration of all scientists. A few years later, Mary herself plesiosaur fossil found another that was even better (the first he found lacking the skull, but the second was perfect).
geologist William Daniel Conybeare wrote the most important item on the Plesiosaur and gave him his name, but never mentioned to Mary as the discoverer of the fossil. This is not only one of the many expressions of contempt which Mary suffered throughout their history (in fact, besides finding the fossil, she had been responsible for many of the sketches that accompanied the article.)
But their findings also generated distrust. The naturalist Georges Cuvier, who was one of the foremost authorities in the field of comparative anatomy, doubted the veracity of the fossil and began to examine itself to see if it was a fraud (something not uncommon in those days). And, the huge neck plesiosaur, which consisted of 35 vertebrae, wondered why on way to Cuvier, who thought of the possibility that it was a combination of the bones of various animals. However, after an investigation by the Geological Society of London, concluded that it was a legitimate fossil, recognizing that he was wrong in his accusations.
Throughout her career, Mary Anning made many more discoveries that, although not as spectacular as the previous ones, were quite important in the advancement of science. As an example, in 1828, discovered a copy in excellent conditions Dapedium politum, a fish that lived during the Triassic and Jurassic. Although she was not the discoverer of this species, was the one which provided one of the best preserved fossils that allowed a better study of their characteristics.

But the importance of Mary Anning in the history of science is far beyond the simple discovery of single species: The paleontological evidence that contributions were a major support to the theory of the extinction of species, an essential element in the theory of evolution by natural selection. At that time even some thought that no species was extinct. Although scientists such as Cuvier had said that some mammals like the mammoth had gone, many others thought that these animals still exist in unexplored areas of the world (because, for them, the disappearance of a species created by God was a sign of imperfection). However, when Mary was with those strange animals, no one dared to doubt that might remain.
was also a founder of the science of geology is now known as paleontology, demonstrating that they could study the history of living things by fossil evidence. The analysis of the chronology of the earth from geological and paleontological evidence sustained a boom thanks to many of his discoveries.
At 47 years old, died of breast cancer, leaving behind an unforgettable legacy. After his death, many works were made in his honor. From the Geological Society of London, he spent a tribute that has never before had done to someone outside the company itself, let alone a woman. Other examples of recognition are the church of San Miguel Archangel, Lyme Regis, which has a window made in honor of the paleontologist, and the famous writer Charles Dickens, who came to dedicate an article in a magazine in which he wrote, remembering the great difficulties he went through this pioneer and expert in paleontology.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
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deny that in the era of dinosaurs the climate was warm
Among the fossils found in Jehol biota specimens were found with feathers that could serve as a thermal insulator.

A team of paleontologists from France and China have shown that during part of the Lower Cretaceous were cooler temperatures of the alleged so far, which explains the abundance of dinosaurs with feathers "in the fossil beds that period.
The study released today, which involved the National Center Gallo for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology in Beijing, shows that despite the belief that in the era of the dinosaurs the climate was warmer globally, these animals do not always enjoyed temperatures "lenient."
The study, published this week in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), focused on a region of northeastern China where it developed Jehol biota makes between 125 and 110 million years.
of the fossils found at the site, according to experts, there are numerous dinosaurs covered with filamentous structures typical of birds with feathers, and on which many scientists had suggested, which played a thermal insulator.
Paleontologists study authors sought to determine the temperatures of the time from fossils of dinosaurs, crocodiles, turtles and fish in the region and contemporary sites in other parts of China, Japan and Thailand.
The team analyzed the oxygen isotope composition of each sample, which was preserved during fossilization, in order to reconstruct the air temperature of the living environment of Asian dinosaurs in the Cretaceous.
And the results show that average temperatures in that period were very similar to those found today equivalent latitudes, so Jehol fauna lived in a climate characterized by moderate cold "winters."
During this period, the statement said, cold blooded animals should hibernate, while warm-blooded like mammals, birds and dinosaurs profited from their hair and their feathers to maintain their activity in winter.
Scientists point out that this study helps to better understand a time over no more than was available geological record, but do not venture to draw hasty conclusions about the origin of feathers.
"These findings do not prove at all that feathers arose insulation for a role, but assume that the feathers should seek out the dinosaurs of Jehol a physiological advantage over his contemporaries with scales, "said Romain Amiot, a scientist at CNRS.
The study released today, which involved the National Center Gallo for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology in Beijing, shows that despite the belief that in the era of the dinosaurs the climate was warmer globally, these animals do not always enjoyed temperatures "lenient."
The study, published this week in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), focused on a region of northeastern China where it developed Jehol biota makes between 125 and 110 million years.
of the fossils found at the site, according to experts, there are numerous dinosaurs covered with filamentous structures typical of birds with feathers, and on which many scientists had suggested, which played a thermal insulator.
Paleontologists study authors sought to determine the temperatures of the time from fossils of dinosaurs, crocodiles, turtles and fish in the region and contemporary sites in other parts of China, Japan and Thailand.
The team analyzed the oxygen isotope composition of each sample, which was preserved during fossilization, in order to reconstruct the air temperature of the living environment of Asian dinosaurs in the Cretaceous.
And the results show that average temperatures in that period were very similar to those found today equivalent latitudes, so Jehol fauna lived in a climate characterized by moderate cold "winters."
During this period, the statement said, cold blooded animals should hibernate, while warm-blooded like mammals, birds and dinosaurs profited from their hair and their feathers to maintain their activity in winter.
Scientists point out that this study helps to better understand a time over no more than was available geological record, but do not venture to draw hasty conclusions about the origin of feathers.
"These findings do not prove at all that feathers arose insulation for a role, but assume that the feathers should seek out the dinosaurs of Jehol a physiological advantage over his contemporaries with scales, "said Romain Amiot, a scientist at CNRS.
Source: EFE / CNRS.
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