exhibitors Expert warns of Puerta del Sol opening
archaeoastronomy expert, Manuel De la Torre said that "separation with the two blocks that make up the Puerta del Sol, ever since they were attached, had been so separated, with the risk of its collapse and destruction as a medium or heavy earthquake Persistent wet its outline could make them collapse with the result of breakage into several pieces that would prevent its reconstruction. " The aforementioned professional
along with researcher Emilio Molina (expert in mathematics Tetraléctica) and the Military University, last year in June, the state found it was in the Puerta del Sol and other archaeological sites of Tiwanaku. LOST HERITAGE
"As Heritage (Tiwanaku) should take special care and maintenance, the importance of its unique archaeological pieces like the famous Puerta del Sol is compared only with the part calendrical of the Maya, with these two monumental pieces unique for their kind of carved and content posted in its different iconography, which have allowed us to recognize and investigate the great knowledge reach these pre-Hispanic cultures, "says De la Torre in an article on the topic .
further contends that the researchers "very alarmed we have known through various publications in the Journal, that have been circulating in recent times, as there is a major oversight on the part of institutions and individuals responsible for the care of this national heritage of Humanity by UNESCO granted. " STUDIES
"For several years it raised the urgency of removing the famous Puerta del Sol from its current position is not the original icon as a calendrical astronomical and moved to the museum lithic, where a special room for this monumental piece, which will be preserved and cared for, there are several studies that demonstrate the great damage that has been hit by pollution, exposure to climatic factors and biological gradually deteriorating and making clear his iconography and gone, there are places that are no longer seen rich iconography that has allowed many researchers to find details of the great knowledge he had that culture in both math and astronomy, which had allowed part of the worldview of native people who lived millennia ago in this part of the Andes, "says the professional.
"They are selfish and stubborn aspects of some officials and residents of that area in recent years to oppose the transfer, without a real and valid explanation of why it is not allowed to transfer to the lytic museum is located about hundred meters the current site, several researchers have demonstrated through their studies, if care is not preserved and the Puerta del Sol, in less than 5 years there will be nothing of the iconography of this beautiful and unique archaeological piece, "he said. MINISTRY OF CULTURE
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Culture is headed by Elizabeth Salguero, announced a new archeological site inspection for this weekend, as part of the requested support to UNESCO for the preservation of relics.
Last week asked the international body to fight specific chemical lichens, mosses and other items seized from sights such as Puerta del Sol
Support will also in the restoration of the pieces found in museums Lithic and Archaeology.
finally announced that "as long as the tourist site will be restored closed. "
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