Thursday, March 24, 2011

What Does Mean Red Flower That Everybody Wears

tourism demand more security Bolivian production Tiquina

Chamber of Hoteliers of the town of Copacabana considered more important than building a bridge over the Strait Tiquina is to improve the safety of rafts in the movement of people and trucks.
The president of the Hotel Copacabana, Milton Romero, believes that talking about this project is delicate because the boat people oppose and block as the subject is raised. He further indicated that the plan is unrealistic because it lacks funding.
hotel manager for the glory of that locality, Guillermo Caceres, this construction is not justified because it is more cost than benefit. At Easter pass through the strait, he said, a thousand motor, and that amount would be minimal to raise the need for a concrete step.
Both consider the most important thing is to ensure passenger safety and improved motorized rafts, such as providing emergency water pumps.
On Tuesday, the governor of La Paz Cesar Cocar evicted the bridge construction project because of "strong opposition" to the rafters. He noted that under these conditions "fall on deaf ears" the talks with the Bolivian Highway Administrator (ABC) for the feasibility study. In October 2010, the province requested Manco Kapac that step, in the wake of accidents.


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